Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Problem with making all in one DVD
started by: steweg

Posted by steweg on Jan. 22 2005,06:42
Hi I am making all in one DVD

I have got WinXP Pro, WinXP Home, Win2000, Win98, Win95,

Win98 and 95 are good but when I want to install WinXP pro or Home it still look for a WinXP CD with SP2 -- I have made everything what I have to do,including files txtsetup.sif setupldr.bin or something like that.

And I also  copy all the files like win51.sp2 and all the others in root
but it still aks me for tghe CD

the booting is good also the text based installation is all right but not the GUI part of installation

What have I done wrong?????
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Jan. 22 2005,10:59
The signature files are required at the root of the CD but also at the root of the distribution folder (where you i386 folder stand). For example, inside your XPEN folder...