Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: cloning hard drive content
started by: midwestpimpin

Posted by midwestpimpin on Jan. 30 2005,00:01
hi evereyone ok what i want to do is
i want to create a CD that contents windows and my hardware drivers and program files (modem videocard soundcard network card etc drivers)aready installed that way if i want to install a new fresh copy of windows i dont have to go trough all the hardware configuration proccess and save time on that

i would like to know the best way to do it
or if is ok just to copy the entire data from C: and burn it in to a CD

any ideas?  thanx
Posted by xoben on Jan. 30 2005,06:08
Ghost or TrueImage may help you to do so.
Posted by eureka on Jan. 30 2005,09:15
Ghost is great but there are “newcomers” – like this one:

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