Forum: EasyBoot Topic: multilanguage windows 2K multiboot dvd started by: cometoluc Posted by cometoluc on Feb. 04 2005,11:53
Hello,I'm trying to create a multiboot dvd with four windows 2000 pro language versions. Dutch, English, French and German. I I tried it the way it is explaned for other versions like win98 and 2k and that works but when i create multiple direktory's for the different languages versions i first got errors that the vga850.fon was not found, so i copied the entire i386 direktorys to the root of the new direktory's and that solved that problem. Now i have another errormessage : setup can not install the produktcatalogs. This happens when the new windows is booted for the first time. All the languageversions that i tried have te samle errormessage. Can someone please help me. greetz Cometoluc |