Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: 6 Windows XP Bootdiscs in one Image
started by: AOP2kx

Posted by AOP2kx on May 08 2004,10:40

now i have another problem ;-)

i tried to merge all six windows xp bootdisks in one big image.

i took the first disk as a seed-image and changed the size with easyboot to 5760 KB and injected al the files from these six images...

after adding the new big image to easyboot he always reboots my computer if i try to start the image :-(

again: any ideas???

thanks alot,
Posted by xoben on May 08 2004,19:11
Sorry, XP disk images cannot be used directly with EasyBoot. Please see a previous topic < Make a Windows 98/2000/XP 3-in-1 bootable DVD. > for making XP bootable CDs.
Posted by AOP2kx on May 09 2004,10:20

yes i know how to make a cd including the windows 200/xp setups...

but i want to use the xp repair console (included in these six floppies) within my easyboot i don't have to use the xp-cd.

is there another possibility to get the xp repair console working with easyboot???

Posted by xoben on May 09 2004,10:27
Bart PE is recommanded.
Posted by AOP2kx on May 09 2004,10:42

i finally resolved the problem: it is the same as making bartpe or erd commander to work with easyboot

you only have to replace the files in the i386-folder (renamed to whatever) with the files from the six xp-floppies...

now i also have the repair console in easyboot...and now i'm quite happy!!!

Posted by 1ZERO on Jul. 17 2004,03:41
I'm Attempting the same thing... can You post what you did step by step? How did you launch the Recovery console, what run command.

I have a recovery console only CD but can't get any kinda image to load. closest I get is missing NTLDR...

Anyone have some thoughts, just after the 8MB for recovery console.

Posted by 1ZERO on Jul. 17 2004,03:45
Reposted by accident.
Posted by AOP2kx on Jul. 17 2004,05:52

first of all: you don't need bartpe to get the repair console.

ok, how to get the xp-setup and the xp-repair console to work:

1. get xp-setup floppies: i think you can find them on the xp-setup-cd or you go to an download them

2. make a directory in you easyboot-structure named "WXS1" (Windows XP SercivePack 1)...i also have the Windows XP ServicePack 0 and Windows 2000 SP0 - SP4 floppies thats why i have "WXS0", "W2S0" to "W2S4"...

3. extract the content of the six xp-floppies to this directory

4. open the file "setupldr.bin" and replace all "i386" with "WXS1" (hexeditor)

5. expand the file "txtsetup.si_" to "txtsetup.sif": open command promt and type: expand txtsetup.si_ txtsetup.sif

6. delete "txtsetup.si_"

7. open "txtsetup.sif" and replace all "i386" with "WXS1"...but you have to keep that "i386": Architecture = i386

8. extract the bootsector of you xp-cd to you "ezboot"-directory and name it "WXS1.bif" (i used ultraiso)

9. open "WXS1.bif" and replace "i386" with "WXS1" (hexeditor)

10. thats all, use "run WXS1.bif" to launch the xp-setup...

if you boot these floppies you will see the normal xp-setup... but there is one step when you will be asked if xou want to repair your xp with the console (and thats why i need every windows 2000/xp-servicepack combination: if you want to repair an windows xp sp0 than you need the correct floppies: you can't use servicepack1 floppies for some commands)

Posted by j-man on Feb. 03 2005,16:28
I tried to do the 6 floppies in one image. I did everything. In EasyBoot, i loaded the: run WXS1.bif and I get an error message when starting that menu option: can not boot to cd 0......something like that
Posted by j-man on Feb. 04 2005,03:35
i tried your step by step to add all 6 floppies, but when i run the finished project i get this error message.
CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR

Can you help me?
Posted by j-man on Feb. 05 2005,16:04
I got the thing to work...but only the boot part. when the i386 is changed it must remain only 4 letters no more or other info might be over written. now the problem is that i am asked to insert disk 2. when i press enter, nothing happens. now what? :O
Posted by AOP2kx on Feb. 06 2005,08:42

sorry for the long "non-reply-time"  :;):

when you get asked to insert cd 2 then (i think) some files in the root of the cd/image are missing: for example: if you have the xp sp2 floppies, then you have to put the file "win51ip.sp2" to the root of your cd. for xp sp1 it ist the file "win51ip.sp1"...for windows 2000 there are similare files, but i can't remember the exactly name...


have a look at the "wxs2" directory...or whatever directory you have created to put the files of the six floppies to: there has to be some files called "disk101" to "disk106"...maybe these files are missing???


you haven't relaced all "i386" patterns. please look again to my post where i explained the steps...


if nothing will work: please aks again  :)
...i will keep an eye on this thread now...


Posted by j-man on Feb. 06 2005,14:42

i cannot figure this out...
this is what i did.
1. created images of all 6 windows xp home floppy disk
2. created the dir "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\wxph"
3. extracted all the images into the "wxph" folder
4. edited "setupldr.bin" and replaced all "i386" with "wxph"  (hexeditor)
5. expand the "txtsetup.si_" to "txtsetup.sif" then deleted "txtsetup.si_" and edited "txtsetup.sif" by renaming all "i386" with "wxph" except the "Architecture = i386"
6. extracted the boot image from winxphome cd (also tried this with the first floppy boot image) and saved the boot file in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" called "wxph.bif"
7. edited wxph.bif by replacing "i386" with "wxph"
all of the files that are in the 6 floppies were coppied to the wxph folder including disk101, disk102...ect. All of the i386 text were replaced with wxph. for some reason, i am still prompt to insert disk 2...
i hope ive explaned myself well enough to get help.

Posted by AOP2kx on Feb. 06 2005,15:11

it seems that you did everything right  :;):

...have you tried to copy the "win51ip.sp2" file (if you have xp sp2 floppies) to the root of the cd: "C:\EasyBoot\disk1"?

what type of floppies do you have? windows 2000 or xp or 2003? what servicepack?

Posted by j-man on Feb. 06 2005,17:30
thanks for the fast reply. the disks are windows xp home. here is where i downloaded them from.
< >
i dont think it has service pack 1 or 2. mabe you can tell by going to the link above.
Posted by AOP2kx on Feb. 07 2005,09:45

please look at the root of your xp-home-cd: there should be some files called "win51ip" or "win51" - maybe they are called "win51something. copy these files to the root of your easyboot-image...then it SHOULD work  :;):

for professional and home the files have different names. simply copy all files which have "win51" in the name from the root of your xp-home-cd to the root of your easyboot-image.
your disks are without any servicepack (i think), beacause they are from 2001.

Posted by j-man on Feb. 09 2005,03:40

I finaly got the thing to work. This is what i did.
1. Followed the user guide and created a windows xp boot disk.
2. after i finished the tutorial, i deleted all files in the i386 folder
3. extracted all the 6 floppies into that folder
4. renamed the i386 folder to wxph
5. changed the text inside setupldr.bin from i386 to wxph
6. made a copy of EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin in the same dir and just renamed it to wxph.bin
7. edited the text in wxph.bin from i386 to wxph
8. made shure that win51, win51ic.sp1, and win51ic was inside of EasyBoot\disk1.
9. then used the run wxph.bin command in the menu
10. then the magic happened.

Thank you for your help
Posted by AOP2kx on Feb. 09 2005,06:20

good to hear that it's working now  :;):
