Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: WinME boot image
started by: Shaa

Posted by Shaa on Feb. 15 2005,05:39
Hello all.
I need create bootable disk of Windows Millenium, but i have only installation directory of Windows.
Where can i download boot image for Windows Millenium ?
Please, sorry for my bad English :(
Posted by eureka on Feb. 15 2005,16:36
Hi Shaa

Try this:

Download and install WinImage from here: < >

Download bootfile from here: < >
Use winrar (and right mouse button) to extract bootmec.exe to folder bootmec. Inside folder you will now find bootmec.ima. Change name of this file to winme.ima

Open winme.ima with winImage and extract Autoexec.bat to some temporary folder.

Edit (use notepad) Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text):

;>----- Start of text -----<

@echo off

MSCDEX.EXE  /D:tomato /L:X

;>----- End of text -----<

When done. Insert autoexec.bat back to winme.ima (owerwrite existing autoexec.bat). Copy or move winme.ima to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot

Create new folder with the name winme in EasyBoot\disk1
Copy every file (cab files, install.exe and so on) from your winme directory (or from WinmeCD) to easyBoot\disk1\winme

Use   run winme.ima    as command in EasyBoot.

No problems with your English…

Regards eureka