Forum: EasyBoot Topic: i hav some problem with Multiboot started by: dool Posted by dool on Mar. 08 2005,22:04
hii god error message from 2k3 saying the textsetup.sif file is corrpted.actully i modify it as like the Xp. like this SetupSourcePath = "\W2K3" i hav also problem with ME it says NTLDR i miising whats the problem thaz Posted by eureka on Mar. 09 2005,01:33
Hi dool!Thinking about WinMe, I quote: ” I have also problem with ME it says NTLDR is missing what’s the problem”. WinMe doesn’t use NTLDR. Maybe you mixing things up…? WinMe installs via DOS – and it’s not based on WinNT - major difference between these systems. I suggest you start with one system and see if you can make it work (start with the easy one= WinMe), when this works, go ahead with the more difficult part (WinXP). |