Forum: EasyBoot Topic: EASYBOOT & Suse Linux 9.2 Live Eval started by: braveheart Posted by braveheart on Feb. 09 2005,19:17
Anyone tried building a multi-boot DVD with Suse 9.2 Live Eval in it? I have been worked for Suse Linux 9.0 Live Eval without any problems. However, for Suse 9.2 Live Eval, it just doesn't work. Anyone wants to share the experience? I truely appreciate it. Error message: RAMDISK: Incomplete write (-28 !=32768) 65536000 EXT 2-fs: unable to read superblock MINIX-fs: unable to read superblock ISOFS-fill-super: bread failed, dev=md0, iso_blknum=16 block=32 Kernel panic- not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(9,0). TONS OF THANKS BH Posted by braveheart on Feb. 16 2005,17:27
Anyone helps me? Come onTONS OF THANKS BH Posted by breik1 on Mar. 19 2005,05:24
using magic iso >> extract the boot sector of the CD/DVD on which linux is located ... then you will have a file called xxxx.bif or xxxx.img ( xxxx = is not the real name but symbol,, the ext. .bif or .img is our goal ). So use the command run xxxx.bif or xxxx.img .hope that enlights the way for you .. |