Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: windows 4 in one cd
started by: tapanfca

Posted by tapanfca on Mar. 20 2005,13:22
when i create windows 4 in one cd image, it is 2.02 Gb, how it is possible to copy in one cd. plz hlp me'???'

Posted by urie on Mar. 20 2005,20:57
tapanfca, if your 4in1 disk is Windows NT/2000/XP then you have to select optomise in the Make iso selection.
Posted by tapanfca on Mar. 21 2005,13:10
thanks urie, but when i optimised by make ISO the 2.2 GB came down to 1.7 GB and still i can't copy into CD. plz. help me

Posted by masterX on Mar. 21 2005,14:47
I don't know why you ask so silly questions. it's obvious for anyone that you can't copy a 2,2Gb of information in one cd.Do you think that easyboot is like a magician or something like that to comprime all that information in one cd. Do you heard of dvd's?The capacity of a cd is 700,800 or 900 Mb....think if you have a little brain. (when you find a program to do that anounced me...:)
Posted by tapanfca on Mar. 23 2005,00:14
i just tell you that i saw a CD which contains windows 2003(3 verns) CD files shows that it contains 1.5 GB, how it possible? Is there any software to do it.':('

Posted by eureka on Mar. 23 2005,01:47

It’s possible to reduce the size of i386 folders using ”nlight” < >

Or use this tutorial
< >
to reduce basic size of i386 folders, and then check “Optimise” in EasyBoot, maybe (I say only maybe), you may come down to a reasonable size of different i386 folders (but without option to update from Win9x).

Note: “Normal” size of CD is 700 Mb. Special version 800 Mb (it’s possible to “overburn” some special CD and – in theory - reach up to 900 Mb, but then you have problems to read that CD from different units).

I suggest you use DVD.
