Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: CD Copy Protection
started by: Fluffy

Posted by Fluffy on Mar. 28 2005,08:24
Hello everybody,

I've created some Data CD's and would protect them;
Has anybody an idea, how to built a good copy protection for CD's, so there was no chance for CloneCD etc.?

Posted by kooler on Mar. 28 2005,11:46
you could try Passowrd Protection System Cd Edition from Indigo Rose Corporation, with this tool you can password the iso image.
Posted by kooler on Mar. 28 2005,12:23
sorry is not from indigo rose but thenthsystem. from all i know you can't deny access to your cd's. clonecd or others stiill may copy your cd but you can protect files with password so if the cd is copied the files are still password protected and they cannot be accesed. or you can try to encrypt files.try the program that i suggested.
Posted by Fluffy on Mar. 30 2005,15:04
Thanks kooler,

i'll check this out.
another question - i will use the protection for a bootable CD; so when every file is crypted, will CD booting ?
