Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: [BUG] Easyboot V4.5.0265 A Bug!

Posted by DAIVA ONDEMALRY on Mar. 23 2004,07:51
I found Easyboot V4.5.0265 A Bug for MEMTEST-86 Image.
I ever been use Easyboot V4.1 to finish my boot menu , In my boot disc I add to MEMTEST-86 Image . But upgrade to V4.5.0265 , This version cannot run MENTEST-86 Image .

Why?  Is that V4.5 no longer to support ?

You can visit to : < > , download for memtest.img

Note: MEMTEST-86 Image for linux image. Use winimage or hd-copy cannot to open it.
Posted by xoben on Mar. 23 2004,09:18
Please use latest version 4.56 instead, which can run memtest-98 properly.
Posted by Solamar on Apr. 04 2005,12:28
Quote (xoben @ Mar. 23 2004,22:18)
Please use latest version 4.56 instead, which can run memtest-98 properly.

I have 4.56, still doesn't work :(

Tried to make my own image from floppy version with rawread... no go

tried to extract the boot image from the .img and no go.. arrrrhhhhhggg...
