Forum: EasyBoot Topic: memtest+ 1.51 started by: workhard Posted by workhard on Feb. 24 2005,12:07
Hi !How can I integrate memtest+ 1.51 into a Multiboot-CD ? I tried everything: ISO, bin... But I can't get it to work! Please help me ! Posted by Incroyable HULK on Feb. 24 2005,14:30
How about a Floppy image?
Posted by workhard on Feb. 25 2005,04:53
I already tried that.I donwload the floppy package, and made a floppy. Tested - the floppy is working. Now I need to make an image from this floppy - but thats not working. Both UltraISO and WinImage say they cant read the floppy. Any idea how to make a floppy image from memtest+ ?? Posted by eureka on Feb. 25 2005,12:25
Hi workhardCould this help? Download "Emergency Boot CD-ROM Pro" from here: < > Use right mouse button and choose to: "open with winrar". Path to memtest.img: ebcd-0.6.1-pro\CDROM-PRO\04-MemTest\memtest.img This memtest.img file works. I hope it's the newest version? At least it seems to do the same test routines. I'm going to integrate it to my own "service-CD" - good tool to have - just in case... eureka Posted by workhard on Feb. 26 2005,13:43
I found a solution myself.I looked at the package and found that is uses rawrite.exe to write the floppy. So I downloaded RawRead.exe, took my floppy and made an image of it. This image has 1,4MB size - and easyboot is able to boot it. Problem solved. BUT: Shouldn't easyboot be able to boot the small .bin or .iso file nevertheless ? Without all this problems ![]() Posted by ScottProdigy on Mar. 22 2005,00:43
if you are talking about memtest86, you can now download an .iso file from that site... open in UltraISO, you will see only 2 files... extract the .img file to your EasyBoot directory with your other boot files... set your menu to "run yourfilename.img" and you are set.
Posted by Solamar on Apr. 04 2005,13:10
Workhard, Tried your solution.. didn't work.. ![]() I'm also trying to do this with 1.55 of memtest86+ ... no joy. I really need to get this one to work because it is designed to work with the new chipsets more relyably. As for extracting the image from the iso, it displays no files when I view it with UltraISO... Please help.. Thanks Posted by ScottProdigy on Apr. 05 2005,15:06
Use this link for memtest ISO used for making a bootable CD... < > Unzip and open the .ISO file with UltraISO... there is one folder "BOOT"... open and you will see a file named MEMTEST.IMG... extract this to your EZBOOT folder with your other boot images... the menu command within ezboot will be "run MEMTEST.IMG" (without quotes of course!) It's really simple... at first I couldn't get it either, but trust me, this works... hope this helped if the first post wasn't that clear. Posted by Solamar on Apr. 07 2005,08:39
Ahhh, This one is from someone else. Is there a major difference between the and versions? ![]() |