Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Boot image of hard disk started by: ocgltd Posted by ocgltd on Apr. 13 2005,17:50
I have a hard disk which boots DOS with lots of utilities.I have made an image of the hard disk using winimage, called BOOTDRV.IMA 1. How do I make EZB boot this image? 2. Why would anyone copy the contest of the hard disk (or some other Windows CD) to the /disk1 directory if their image already contains those same files? 3. Once I have loaded my CD-ROM driver from DOS, does the contests of BOOTDRV.IMA become visible (all files and dirs) or do I just see a file called "bootdrv.ima"? Thanks Posted by Pepe Pronto on Apr. 15 2005,08:23
If the HDD is bootable (and thus the .ima file) and under 700 MB you just need NERO, or any other similar program, to create a bootable CD.If it's over 700 MB then a DVD can be used but not every PC will boot from a DVD. Hope this helps. |