Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How to get Paragon Recovery CD work with Easyboot? started by: The_Doomer Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 03 2005,10:52
Have someone got Paragon Recovery CD to work with Easyboot. ![]() Posted by xoben on Mar. 03 2005,19:52
You can try it this way:1) Copy all files and folders from Paragon Recovery CD to c:\easyboot\disk1 2) Start UltraISO, choose 'Bootable'->'Extract boot file from CD/DVD ...' to get a xxx.BIF, and save it to c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot 3) Use 'run xxx.bif' to load Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 04 2005,10:05
Thanks!I'll try when i come home from work.. ![]() Posted by mGforCe on Mar. 05 2005,11:51
Is it not possible that we can make bif file as we do in case of Acronis ?? I tried to do the same but it is not working....
Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 09 2005,12:53
Could not make it work with the method above, I even tried the bcdw 2.0a version but it did not work either. ![]() ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,04:33
Hello The_Doomer!I use Paragon (Note: Partition Manager version 5,0) and it’s a console application, which means that it can only be run from the DOS prompt (in EasyBoot: run paragon.img). I only want to point out, that if it’s not a consol application you try to run from EasyBoot, then it’s “doomed” to fail. You can’t (basically from EasyBoot) use programs designed to run on 32-bit platforms (if you don’t make “heavy workarounds”). Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,07:01
The_DoomerCould this be to some help? I have downloaded and tested paragon demo: “Universal tool for hard disk 6.0”. I don’t now what versions you use but maybe Paragon use the same “recovery system” according to al versions – I don’t now for sure – just guessing. After installing application I opened folder paragon on hard disk. This is what I then did: 1. Find folder “DosHDM” (this is the dos consol). 2. Click on “Hdmpack.exe” (a lot of nice files will be created inside this folder). 3. Download boot disk “Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive | Alt2” from < > 4. Create floppy and then edit Autoexec.bat to look like this: ; Start of text @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R hdm.exe ; End of text Save Autoexec.bat 5. Start “EasyBoot>Tools>Create new floppy image” use some other img file as “seed image” and create new image with size: 7200 (you may rename this img file to something like paragon.img if you like). 6. Open “paragon.img” with winimage and insert files from folder DosHDM (you do not need to inject folder “scripts”) - continue and insert files from floppy (don’t forget hided files). 7. Start this “paragon.img” as usual in EasyBoot: run paragon.img Note: CD/DVD unit is renamed to R because EasyBoot uses X Regards eureka Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 10 2005,11:50
Hi eureka!I dont know if we talk about the same tool here. If you check this URL < Paragon Rescue Kit 4.0 > you find some more info about it. You can take a look at the screenshot of the catalog structure of the iso, the you see it is some sort of linux. ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,13:02
Hi again The doomer!Yes you have right there – it’s not the same tool, and; “Demo version is currently not available” (that’s what paragon tells me). Sorry to replay that I am not able to “walk” any further with you project (especially as it seems to be such a interesting project). However, I have noticed one file of interest in screenshot; dos.img (size 1440). I suppose you already tried this suggestion: Copied everything to EasyBoot\disk1 and then moved dos.img to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot and used this boot file as usual; run dos.img This is al I can find out, as I can’t download demo. Still I hope things works out to the very best according to this issue of yours… Regards eureka Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 10 2005,13:40
Hi again eureka!I did not noticed that dos.img file, but i have tried as you suggested, but it did not work as I thought. look at the screenshot. Must be doing something wrong here. Regards ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,14:42
Hi again The DoomerThis is interesting. Use winimage (or similar) and extract Autoexec.bat and config.sys to some temporary folder. Show me how autoexec.bat and config.sys looks like. If you are lucky the problem might be that Autoexec.bat is pointing on wrong root-folder (CD\DVD unit), or config.sys have some problems to engage right CD\DVD support. I’m far from sure that this could be solved – but why not give it a try? Eureka Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 10 2005,15:33
Hi once again eureka!Here you can se the config.sys and autoexec.bat.
If you send me a mail I could email you the dos.img or upload it somewhere for you to download so you could take a look at it. ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,16:20
Hi The Doomer!Test this. In config.sys delete “rem” on this lines: rem device=vide-cdd.sys /D:CD001 it should look like this: device=vide-cdd.sys /D:CD001 In Autoexec.bat delete “rem” on following line: rem SHSUCDX /D:CD001 it should look like this: SHSUCDX /D:CD001 It’s possible that you need to delete every “rem” (if there still is problem for the system to find CD\DVD reader). If that’s the case, just go ahead. Nothing will be destroyed. Note: rem is a dos command to make Autoexec.bat and config.sys to ignore commands that resides on same lines. I don’t now why “rem” been injected there? Can’t see any good reason to have “rem” on those spots. In fact, the whole system places it self in a kind of “stand bye position”. What’s the point with that???? Please make copy of Autoexec.bat and config.sys and save theme else ware, BEFORE you inject them back in dos.img eureka Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 10 2005,17:09
Hi again! ![]() I tried it, but it did not work. It seems that those files is not in the dos.img file? If you want to examine the dos.img file let me no your email adress and I send it to you. Thanks for all your help. ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 10 2005,17:53
Hi again The DoomerAre you really sure that there is no file in dos.img named vide-cdd.sys? But at least, there must be a file named SHSUCDX - other wise we are out on “deep water”. I only use hotmail for present time, and I’m not sure that it’s possible to send files in this size via hotmail? However it’s not necessary, do it this way. Your problem seems to be that files are missing in dos.img. That means no support for CD\DVD unit. To solve this, I suggest you download boot disk “Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive | Alt2” from < > Make floppy from this and copy file cd1.SYS on this created floppy and inject it in dos.img. Edit config.sys. Put back “rem” on its place and make a new line, like this: rem device=vide-cdd.sys /D:CD001 rem device=usbaspi.sys /v rem device=di1000dd.sys /v /w rem device=usbcd.sys /d:USBCD001 DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:CD001 In Autoexec.bat you also put back “rem” and make a new line, like this: rem SHSUCDX /D:CD001 /D:USBCD001 rem SHSUCDX /D:USBCD001 rem SHSUCDX /D:CD001 SHSUCDX /D:CD001 Inject your edited Autoexec.bat and config.sys back to dos.img Now you have CD\DVD support. Note: SHSUCDX is probably another version of MSCDEX.EXE witch is a kind of standard CD support. If there is no SHSUCDX file present in dos.img you have to inject MSCDEX.EXE to dos.img from that floppy you created. And if so, change text on line in autoexec.bat to look like this: SHSUCDX / D:CD001 change to MSCDEX.EXE / D:CD001 to get CD support. Well it’s “bedtime” for me here now – see you tomorrow if it’s okay with you? Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 11 2005,04:08
Howdy eureka!I tried to do as you suggested but I did not work out. ![]() ![]() Posted by eureka on Mar. 11 2005,08:25
Hi again The Doomer!Why not test burning CD-RW with mentioned bin-file (in EasyBoot: run bm_mbr.bin and also test this: run boot.catalog) – no harm testing… Both files have the “right size” according to “normal” boot.bin file. This seems to be Linux. So watch out for mismatch according to virtual environments. Make CD-RW and test on PC (just to bee sure). Been reading manual here: < > Basically it should been working with that method xoben showed earlier here in this topic. And I must point out that I have found a lot of links about problems to get this Paragon tool to function as it is attended to do. So you (we) are far from alone about this matter. As I earlier pointed out: “I’m far from sure that this could be solved”. It looks that we with high speed is reaching this point. Please test with CD-RW. Posted by eureka on Mar. 11 2005,14:36
The DoomerThinking about Linux you must use command bootinfotable; in EasyBoot like this: bootinfotable; run xxx.img (or if it is a bif file extracted from CD: bootinfotable; run xxx.bif Perhaps there is some bad “loop” like this that stop boot process? eureka Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 12 2005,07:34
Hi eureka!I gonna try your suggestions as soon as i finnish my work. I always work weekends, so I do not have much time to be on this forum. ![]() Posted by The_Doomer on Mar. 16 2005,17:49
I tried all tricks from eureka now but have not get this thing going. But I found something on another forum that can be useful, so I am just cut and paste that thing I found if some one else is interested. If you found it usefull and working, please post. ![]()
Posted by mionica on Apr. 19 2005,14:01
Please see the following topic: < Paragon Recovery CD >