Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Easyboot and Unattended Nlite not working? started by: humbledbrain Posted by humbledbrain on Apr. 25 2005,20:42
This is my AIO-dvd directoryDisk1\ \BART (BartPe and UBCD combined) \Win98 \W2AS (Unattended-same problem as WNXP NLite unattended, only works in root folder) \NLit (Currently in disk1-because it works there) Morphix (all iso files in disk1\) \WNXP (attended works fine) BOOT CD (folder for Acronis Disk Director) Ok the problem is that I change i386 in setupldr.bin to NLIT, then I change I386 in the NLIT.bin, textsetup.sif is changed to NLIT (SetupSourcePath). did all this after I copied I396 folder to NLIT and ran wxp.bat in that folder. Ive tested the iso with vmware by itself and it works fine, even works fine if I put it in disk1\, but if I try putting it in NLIT folder its nolonger unattended.Just a regular NLITE install. Please Help this is driving me nuts. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions. HumbledBrain Oh, and has anyone found a tutorial or way to get multiple linux distro's to work? |