Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: 2 Folders with different "BartPE" ?
started by: Bruce Lee

Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 21 2005,00:36
Hi all,

Because I have no reply at this Post : <;t=426 >

I need some help for : How to make 2 Folders for using 2 "WinPE" :

- 1 for insert "UBCD4Win 2.5"
- 1 for my personal "WinPE"

Thanks very much !!!!

Posted by smartsaga on Apr. 22 2005,21:43
Should be same as putting two windows XP installations on the same CD/DVD. You edit the boot file  boo.bin or something like that. You open it with a HEX editor and replace the name of the folder containing the windows (BartPE, UBCD4Win, WinPE) files are.

A lot of people ask similar questions. Please search the forums. If you need this in another language please ask too. I speak spanish also, just in case.

Have a good one.

Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 23 2005,09:26
Hi smartsaga,

I am happy for your answer !!! This is my present application to build with "PEBuilder 3.1.3 :

- \plugins\!bartpe\plugin1
-             "                 n
-             "         \EZBOOT

and under "\EZBOOT" I have :

- \BootCD for DOS
- \CMDC for Recovery Console

and in the root of "\EZBOOT" :

BootImage.img --> use by DOS --> run BootImage.img
bootsect.bin    --> use by WinPE --> run bootsect.bin
cdmenup.ezb --> Main Menu
cdsub.ezb     --> Sub Menu
ti.bif --> For True Image 8.0.800

After Compilation, I have under the Root :  

Bootcd                                                <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Cmdc                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Ezboot                                                <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
I386                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Programs                                              <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Autorun.inf                                              46 b   2004/11/02 15:04
Index.html                                              391 b   2004/05/02 23:00
Win51ip                                                   0 b   2005/04/07 10:14
Win51ip.sp2                                               0 b   2005/04/07 10:14
Winbom.ini                                              167 b   2003/05/21 18:05

And Under "\EZBOOT" :

Bootcmdc.bin                                          2 048 b   2005/04/05 10:07
Bootimage.img                                         1 440 kb  2005/04/05 08:04
Bootsec.bin                                           2 048 b   2005/04/05 10:07
Cdmenup.ezb                                              23 kb  2005/04/07 09:20
Cdsubp.ezb                                               23 kb  2005/04/07 10:38
Dds.bif                                                  16 Mb  2005/04/05 16:44
Index.html                                              391 b   2004/05/02 23:00
Loader.bin                                            2 048 b   2005/04/07 09:20
Rawrite.exe                                              13 kb  2002/05/16 15:33                                               18 b   2004/03/02 15:23
Ti.bif                                                8 686 kb  2005/04/05 12:28                                                9 b   2003/06/21 21:28                                                9 b   2003/06/21 21:28

And Under "\Programs" :


Avp5                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:06
Explorerxp                                            <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Geoshell                                              <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Ghost                                                 <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Mcafeeram                                             <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Nero                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Nu2menu                                               <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Pmagic8                                               <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Runscanner                                            <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Spysweeper                                            <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Usb                                                   <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05

I suppose I want to use 2 Folders : "WinPE" and "UBCD4Win", builded by "PEBuilder 3.1.3". What I have to do ?

Thank for your advices.

I speak also French, but a little bit of Spanish.          

I need Help, because I am a Newbie for this !!!!

Posted by smartsaga on Apr. 25 2005,23:30
open bootsect.bin in a hex editor and replace all instances of i386 with the name of the folder for winpe. NOTE: the folder name for winpe whould be the same length as i386 (4 letters) For example, "winp" or "bart".

Same goes for the UBCD4Win one, change the folder name to "ubcd" or something like that on the boot file for UBCD4Win.

So you would have:

bootsect.bin -> Edit in hex editor and replace "i386" for "winp"
boot4win.bin -> Edit in hex editor and replace "i386" for "ubcd"

Note: I just made up the boot4win.bin (this is the boot sector file for the UBCD4Win or whatever name you give it)

As folder structure:

After Compilation, I have under the Root :  

Bootcd                                                <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Cmdc                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Ezboot                                                <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
winp                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
ubcd                                                  <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Programs                                              <DIR>     2005/04/07 14:05
Autorun.inf                                              46 b   2004/11/02 15:04
Index.html                                              391 b   2004/05/02 23:00
Win51ip                                                   0 b   2005/04/07 10:14
Win51ip.sp2                                               0 b   2005/04/07 10:14
Winbom.ini                                              167 b   2003/05/21 18:05

Any hex editor will work.

Have a good one.
Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 26 2005,00:59
Hi Smartsaga,

Thank's U for your Answer !!! I have just a question ?

"WinPe" and "Ubcd" have their own Folder named : "\Programs". How could I do for making distinction between them.

Have you an Idea ?

Posted by eureka on Apr. 26 2005,15:40
Hello Bruce Lee

It works perfectly to combine BartPe and “ubcd4Win”.
ATTENTION: I use xpe-plugin from Sherpya when building BartPe.
Note: Ubcd4Win doesn’t use Sherpya plugin.

However, it’s possible to use the same folder “Programs” in root, combining BartPe and ubcd4Win. But in many cases you have to use a parallel folder (plugin-folder) with different name to most of the plugin-folders (and also if this is the case, rewrite “inf file” and/or “xml file” in those plugin-folders).

As an example: If you want to use “Ghost32” in both BartPe and ubcd, well in this case, use two different names on plugin-folder according to Ghost. Like this; “ghost” in BartPe-plugin and the different “ghost8” in ubcd-plugin.

With this method both BartPe and ubcd may reach ghost (but from different folders (plugin) inside programs). Sometimes it’s possible (if you are luckily), to use the same plugin-folder.

Must point out again ATTENTION: You have to use Sherpya plugin when building BartPe if used together with Ubcd4Win.

Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 27 2005,04:59
Hi smartsaga,

By your method, it don't work !!!! I have "Could not find NTLDR". If I rename "\winp" or "\ubcd" by "\i386", this ERROR disappears. If I have "\winp" and "\i386", the link by "bootsect.bin" and "boot4win" always affect "UBCD", if this is built with "\EZBOOT". Even if I build "\Programs" for UBCD4Win2.5 and "\Program2" for WinPE Perso.

Have you another idea ?

For "eureka", I think that I solve my problem by having 2 "Nu2Menu" : one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win", because "UBCD4Win" is not compatible with "Sherpya XPE" Plugin. By this method for sample, I link to "\Programs" with "UBCD4Win" and to "\Program2" with "WinPE" Perso. I have to modify "\programs" by "\program2" in ".Inf", ".xml" and ".cmd" for each Plugin. But I dont know how to do this ? Can I have two Menus, one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win" after Building the two with PEBuilder 3.1.3. ?

Have you an idea ?

Thanks for your advices !!!
Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 27 2005,08:27
Hi everyBody,

For "eureka", I think that I solve my problem by having 2 "Nu2Menu" : one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win", because "UBCD4Win" is not compatible with "Sherpya XPE" Plugin. By this method for sample, I link to "\Programs" with "UBCD4Win" and to "\Program2" with "WinPE" Perso. I have to modify "\programs" by "\program2" in ".Inf", ".xml" and ".cmd" for each Plugin. But I dont know how to do this ? Can I have two Menus, one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win" after Building the two with PEBuilder 3.1.3. ?

This Method work fine and The Menu is not a mixture between "UBCD4Win" and Other Plugins. You have for sample 2 separate Menu for "UBCD4Win" from "Programs" and Personnal Plugins From "\Program2" and one "\I386" is used.
Posted by eureka on Apr. 27 2005,08:55
Hello Bruce Lee!

Great solution from you – I’ll keep it in mind.

Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 27 2005,10:37
Hi Eureka,

A great problem with "UBCD4Win". If you use Sherpya XPE Plugin, it don't appear in the Menu, but if you use "Nu2menu" it appears. So there is a conflict between "UBCD4Win" and Sherpya XPE Plugin. I remember that Benjamin Burrows (The Creator of UBCD4Win) have the same problem.

If one day you have an idea, I am the first concerned.

Thanks !!!
Posted by eureka on Apr. 27 2005,13:57
Hello Bruce Lee

Sorry, seems that I have misunderstood what you asked for.
I just pointed out that you have to use sherpya when building your own BartPe-stuff. Not in UBCD4Win!

I have downloaded one working UBCD4Win (ISO-file) and used it together with my own designed BartPe (I used sherpya plugin in this one). This combination did work (two different WindowsPre-system), and yes, I used the same folder “programs” for these.

But as I pointed out: You have to use sherpya in BartPe, and in most cases, make different folders (plugin) according to different programs like Ghost or whatever. This means a lot of rework.

But Bruce Lee, I really can’t see the point having these two different types of pre-installation on the same CD/DVD? In fact, a well-built UBCD4Win have everything you need!
However, I suppose you have your own reasons to use (or need) two different pre-installs.

Note: I have discussed this in “PINNED: BartPe - DriveImage 7 - Floppy Image => all in one”
And there is also "Nu2menu" mentioned. And yes, it seems that sherpya makes some kind of “wrapping” according to "Nu2menu".

Sure there is problems and conflicts, with this combination of different Win-PreInstalls. It needs a lot of “workaround” to make it “do its things”.

Posted by smartsaga on Apr. 28 2005,21:33
Quote (Bruce Lee @ April 27 2005,16:59)
Hi smartsaga,

By your method, it don't work !!!! I have "Could not find NTLDR". If I rename "\winp" or "\ubcd" by "\i386", this ERROR disappears. If I have "\winp" and "\i386", the link by "bootsect.bin" and "boot4win" always affect "UBCD", if this is built with "\EZBOOT". Even if I build "\Programs" for UBCD4Win2.5 and "\Program2" for WinPE Perso.

Have you another idea ?

For "eureka", I think that I solve my problem by having 2 "Nu2Menu" : one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win", because "UBCD4Win" is not compatible with "Sherpya XPE" Plugin. By this method for sample, I link to "\Programs" with "UBCD4Win" and to "\Program2" with "WinPE" Perso. I have to modify "\programs" by "\program2" in ".Inf", ".xml" and ".cmd" for each Plugin. But I dont know how to do this ? Can I have two Menus, one for "WinPE" Perso and one for "UBCD4Win" after Building the two with PEBuilder 3.1.3. ?

Have you an idea ?

Thanks for your advices !!!

This means that you didn't edit the bootsect.bin

If the boot sector has "i386" it will look for the folder called "i386".

When you edit the bootsect.bin in a hex editor make sure you replace all the "i386" for "winp" because there is more than one entry of "i386" in the .bin file.

Have a good one.
Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 29 2005,08:42
Hi smartsaga,

In "BootSec.Bin", I have "I386" one time and When I replace "I386" by "winp", I have this message : Could not find NTLDR". If I keep "I386", my Dvd boot fine and I have no error message. When I choose "UBCD4Win", I launch "WinPE", even if I  "run boot4win.bin".
For checking I send to you by attach a file : "bootsec.bin".

Thanks for your advices.

Regards !!!
Posted by eureka on Apr. 29 2005,13:21
Bruce Lee

Sorry if I’m crushing in here…but, if replacing I386 in file bootsect.bin, you must use caps. Like this: WINP

Posted by Bruce Lee on Apr. 30 2005,15:58
I have replaced with "WINP" or "winp" and I have the same problem !!!!

Bye !!!
Posted by smartsaga on May 02 2005,20:09
"I386" appears TWO (2) times in the bootsect.bin file. Did you chage BOTH instances of "I386" for "WINP"?

Have a good one.
Posted by Bruce Lee on May 02 2005,23:39
Hi Smartsaga,

It's Crazy !!! I use "UltraEdit 11.00" and "Hex WhorkShop 4.23" and I found "I386" or "i386" Once.

Thanks !!!
Posted by smartsaga on May 03 2005,20:10

I read it somewhere in this forum that it appears twice!!!

Another reason why it gives you the error is the format of the ISO. Did you check the option Joliet when making the ISO?

I just can't think of anything else. I got the same error a few times but editing the bootsect.bin fixed it.


Have a good one, or at least try.