Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multi Boot DVD with Knoppix, WinXP Pro,WinXP MCE started by: Arizon Posted by Arizon on May 04 2005,07:16
I want to create Multi Boot DVD with Knoppix, Windows XP Pro, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. I've tried several times but it won't work. I need image fow MCE 2005 and Knoppix 3.8. Where can I download them?Thanks Posted by smartsaga on May 04 2005,17:25
Knoppix is free so you can look for it at Now as for MCE 2005, you need to buyt it! Have a good one. Posted by Arizon on May 05 2005,01:08
Missunderstanding!!! I need boot image in EasyBoot for Windows XP MCE 2005 and Knoppix 3.8 like w2ksect.bin for Windows XP Pro and setup98.img for Windows 98
Posted by smartsaga on May 05 2005,01:26
My apologies Arizon.
Posted by Arizon on May 06 2005,01:03
My mistake! Do you have any idea?
Posted by smartsaga on May 06 2005,13:33
You mean like a bootable floppy to install it? Like the ones for Windows XP? I can't find any info on that.I guess you have to make it the way you would make a bootable XP install CD. I remember that previous versions of MCE were the same as XP, the only difference was the MCE program it came with. My guess is that you extract the bootsector.bin and use it just like the one for Win XP. Posted by Arizon on May 06 2005,16:09
How to extract and what to do? I'm new at this! And what about Knoppix 3.8.You have right. Windows XP MCE 2005 is based on XP Pro with some programs extra and I think that the major problem is to separate him from Windows XP Pro. Posted by Arizon on May 06 2005,16:15
To start Windows XP in EasyBoot you need a file w2ksect.bin. Where it came from? That kind of file I need for Windows XP MCE and Knoppix.I've tried with UltraISO but the .bif files that I get from "extract boot file from CD/DVD" does not work. |