Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: graphic in easyboot
started by: kooler

Posted by kooler on May 07 2005,05:32
i read almost all post on this forum and i made some bootable cd with problem is that i don't know how to use this option "use image text". there are few posts, i read it all but is confusing, at least for me. i want to create some nice layout like the one presented on this forum by the doomer and others but i don't know where to start. if someone is willing to explain how to do that i would really apreciated.i think is an important option in easyboot but only few suggestions how to do it.maybe someone find the time to explain.thank you
Posted by xoben on May 11 2005,05:02
Step1: Get a background image
Step2: Draw text on the image by PhotoShop, using SINGLE color, for example PURE RED. Save the image as .BMP format
Step3: Start EasyBoot, specify the .BMP as background image
Step4: Define the color used by text:
  - click on 'Options' button and choose 'Configuration' from the popup menu
  - click one of the 16 colors under 'Color Table'. for example, #2 of second line, LightRed color
  - click pick button next to color name
  - move the plus pointer on text, click , the color will be changed
  - click 'OK' to close the dialogue
Step5: Switch to menu page, create a menu item with the same position as the text on image, and check 'Use Image Text' option
Step6: Set normal color pair: use the color defined by step 4 as foreground color, any color as background color
Step7: Set highlight color pair: use the color defined by step 4 as foreground color, same background color as normal pair