Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How do I return back to the Main Menu started by: toofa Posted by toofa on Apr. 28 2005,17:04
Hi I have searched through the F&Q’s and having a similar problems like other Easyboot users: For example: When I have ran a particular batch file and I want to go back to the main menu of the Easyboot disk. How do I do it? I have tried Wboot but that doesn’t do it, it just reboots into xp (Bios is set to boot from Cdrom) For Example If I ran Scandisk from the main menu, once it has Scanned I am left with the A:\ prompt But I want to simply return to the main boot menu Plz Posted by xoben on May 11 2005,05:18
if does not work, use instead.