Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Post You Theme Picture
started by: Mauricio4XP

Posted by Mauricio4XP on May 02 2005,03:22

new menu

Posted by catcat on May 02 2005,04:37
nice work! :cool:
Posted by Mauricio4XP on May 03 2005,13:45
I found another1, itz very good and itz is by

Here is my layout I am working on. I don’t work as an IT, but I have been chosen as the neighbourhood one. :p

Posted by The_Doomer on May 06 2005,20:33
Here is a new one I working on! Hope you like it. Had som problems to get "Dam n Small Linux" working, but after some searching on this forum I found the solution. :D

Posted by sixpack on May 08 2005,04:45

or some one els

can you explane how to make windows recovery console and O&O admin. suit to work from cd

thanks for the help
Posted by mionica on May 10 2005,08:56
Concerning O&O BlueCon:

1. create the BlueCon ISO image as usual
2. create a BLCN folder in easyboot\disk1; then copy the entire contents of the I386 folder (from the BlueCon ISO image) to this one (easyboot\disk1\BLCN) - including the system32 folder
3. patch the setupldr.bin in easyboot\disk1\blcn, by replacing 'I386' with 'BLCN' (case sensitive!)
4. extract the boot file from the BlueCon ISO to easyboot\disk1\ezboot (or wherever you keep your .ezb files) as 'bluecon.bin' and patch it as you did to setupldr.bin ('I386' > 'BLCN')
5. use 'run bluecon.bin' from the .ezb menu to launch it.

IMPORTANT NOTE. If the BlueCon ISO was built from a Windows Server 2003 SP1 kit, you MUST replace the setupldr.bin with the Windows Server 2003 RTM version, prior to patching (step 3).


Concerning XP Recovery Console:

This far, I have not found a way to boot it directly; it would seem that setupldr.bin should be passed the "/cmdcons" parameter, which Easyboot cannot do. Do note however that the Recovery Console is available through Windows XP Setup - that is, only if you have no unattended install options [i.e. no WINNT.SIF file]
Posted by sixpack on May 10 2005,10:43
thank you very mutch for the answer :)

Posted by sixpack on May 14 2005,14:05

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