Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: BARTPE Boot Fine On DVD But Not On USB Key
started by: Bruce Lee

Posted by Bruce Lee on May 15 2005,12:04
Hi somebody,

I have built an application which work fine with EZBOOT and BARTPE. In EZBOOT, I have a Menu with :

- TI 8.0.800
- And So On

It boot an works fine from DVD+RW or DVD+R, but when I boot with an USB 2.0 Key, It don't launch the EZBOOT Menu. It automatically boot on WinPE Application.
For USB Key I do this :

1/ rename "\I386" to "\minint"
2/ copy "" and "setupldr.bin" from "\I386" to the Root.
3/ I rename "setupldr.bin" to "ntldr" (without extension)

In "ntldr", I have 3 occurences of "I386". It's perhaps an issue !!!

How can I force to launch ""cdmenup.ezb" and not to launch WINPE at the Boot.

I need Help !!! HELP !!!
If somebody have an idea.

Thanks !!!

Posted by xoben on May 15 2005,19:26
EasyBoot does not support booting from a USB key yet.
Posted by Bruce Lee on May 15 2005,23:19
Hi Xoben,

It's a Shame !!! I hope it's working one day !!!!

Thanks !!!