Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Knoppix 3.8.1 started by: Arizon Posted by Arizon on May 09 2005,05:41
How can I get boot image for Knoppix 3.8.1.?If I can use .bif file from UltraISO then where to put install-files? THANKS! Arizon Posted by xoben on May 11 2005,04:32
1) Copy all files and folders from original CD to c:\easyboot\disk12) Start UltraISO, choose 'Bootable'->'Extract boot file from CD/DVD ...' to get a xxx.BIF, and save it to c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot 3) Use 'run xxx.bif' to load Posted by shakko on May 12 2005,12:24
I used bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin to run it and worked.knoppix.bin is a renamed isolinux.bin that is in the \boot\isolinux\ folder of the knoppix 3.8.1 cd. I copied isolinux.bin to the \ezboot folder and renamed it there. I also put everything from the knoppix cd into the \disk1 folder. Posted by Arizon on May 12 2005,13:52
I've done everything like you said shakko but it can't work. Check attached file to see what I get.
Posted by xoben on May 16 2005,05:57
Make sure 'Joliet' option is checked when making an ISO image.
Posted by Bruce Lee on May 16 2005,06:39
Hi Arizon,I have the same results with DSL, Flonix and Kaella-Knoppix with the EasyBoot Plugin of Teletom. Even it Boot Fine !!!! If somebody have an Idea. Posted by Arizon on May 17 2005,03:02
It Works!Thanks xoben Posted by Bruce Lee on May 17 2005,04:54
Hi arizon,Can you explain me what you exactly do, because there is a confusion between ".bin" and ".bif" in my brain. Thanks !!! Posted by Arizon on May 17 2005,12:40
Bruce Lee!!I like step by step guide so here is one for you: 1. Copy all files from Knoppix to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 2. Copy file isolinux.bin from CD \boot\isolinux to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot 3. Start EasyBoot and in Menu tab make command bootinfotable;run isolinux.bin 4. Press Make ISO and chech that joliet is turned on bif files you get with UltraISO. When you insert bootable CD you have option Bootable - Extract Boot File from CD\DVD. When you save that file (knoppix.bif for example) you can use it like isolinux.bin but I didn't try that. Thanks all the people in this forum who helped me to make this. Arizon Serbia Posted by Bruce Lee on May 17 2005,14:15
Hi Arizon,I have just solved my problem. In fact I read the ".Iso" built with "UltraIso" and it's not with "Joliet". I put "Joliet" and I save it and It works !!! So "Xoben" is right. There is a mistake in the "[setValue] in the Plugin of Teletom : ************************************************ [SetValue] ;"..\..\pebuilder.inf", "BuildISO", "exec", """"mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -volid """"""BartPE"""""" -A PEBUILDER/MKISOFS -sysid """"""Win32"""""" -b ezboot/loader.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide loader.bin -hide boot.catalog -o """"""@IsoFile@"""""" """"""@OutDir@"""""""&quo t; ;"..\..\pebuilder.inf", "BuildISO", "exec", """"plugin\ezboot\mkiso.cmd """"""@IsoFile@"""""" """"""@OutDir@"""""""&quo t; *********************************************** But how to insert "Joliet" in "Mkisofs.exe" ? Thanks for your reply. Posted by Bruce Lee on May 17 2005,14:37
I think that I have to insert "-J" for "Joliet" in the line of "Mkisofs.exe".I test it and I inform you for the result. Posted by Bruce Lee on May 17 2005,15:15
It don't work !!! With "UltraIso" with :1/ Open the Iso to modify 2/ Property 3/ Put "Joliet" 4/ It automatically put to "Standard (64)" 5/ OK 6/ save to the initial ".Iso" It work !!!!! Enjoy !!! Posted by Arizon on May 18 2005,03:30
I don't know that.I've downloaded .iso file from Knoppix site, burn image on CD/RW and get bootable disc with Knoppix on it. I've copied all contens from cd like I've described it. |