Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!&
started by: Player

Posted by Player on May 16 2005,17:57
i have been reading these posts for the last 2 weeks in my quest to make the so called ultimate dvd well my version of it any way.
i have worked on the windows side with autoplay menu builder
and the dos side with easyboot.
i had one very big problem no matter how many times i read the forums and check what i did  when ever i tried to load up windows xp, 2k ect i get a cdboot: ntldr error.

any way i found a little peice of software called WINCDMAN.exe
just plonk in your source files im my case win xp home, xp pro, and 2k it then makes a bootable image with its own menu.
now as a work around i extract the boot file created by this software and point easyboot to run it then i have as follows

bootup = easyboot screen if i select 1 then the screen made in WINCDMAN.exe is displayed, from there i select which version of windows to install
1 windows installs
2 True Image
3 Partition Magic
4 Memory test
5 ect.....

the problem is the boot img i use to run windows install screen
needs to be in the root directory not the ezboot directory.

i found a little info on the command for pointing easy boot to a different directory for its run xxx.img file if any one knows the code to point to root of cd for this file not ezboot plz post.

thx in advance
Posted by Player on May 17 2005,03:40
Come On some one please please just this command and i got it licked or i have to spend the next week messing about with combinations of this:

Posted by Player on May 18 2005,03:12
like all things in this world if you want some thing doing then do it your self 26 views at moment and not one reply. any way figured it out thks to me.
Posted by jaconbue on May 18 2005,19:18
The command you need is
cd \; run floppy.img
 You could get help about available commands after loader.bin if you test a multiboot cd, and you include one menu entry for exiting: "quit". After quiting from loader menu.ezb, you will see a console. The keyboard input is a little strange. But, if you type "help", it shows you available commands:
cd - change directory
run xxxx.img - load the image
readtest - performs a readability test of the cd
reboot - warm reboot
boot 80 - boot from hard disk
run menu.ezb - back into de loader menu
... and more.

  I hope you manage with my explanation. Ciao!