Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: linux boot cd
started by: UNIXman

Posted by UNIXman on Mar. 01 2005,13:27
I have a 2 iso files and I wanna combine them in an one CD!
I know that it is possible,but I don't know how to make it!
Posted by EnergyTurtle on Mar. 10 2005,16:47
UNIXman, here is my process for adding boot images to EasyBoot:

1 open image with ultraiso & extract entire contents to
2 mount image with daemontools, then extract boot file with    
  ultraiso to ~easyboot dir~/disk1/ezboot/
3 add menu entry to easyboot... note that if you are adding a  
  cd that uses isolinux (many do) you must use "bootinfotable;"  
  before the "run" command. for example, my entry for INSERT is
  "bootinfotable; run INSERT1.2.18.bif"
4 then test the easyboot iso! i use a great free program called  
  qemu to do this without having to waste a CD if it doesn't

what distros of linux are you trying to use, btw? that info would help. hope it works out for ya!
Posted by vicky on May 23 2005,00:03
Dear Energy Turtle,

Your input was of great help to me.
