Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiboot setup of XP PRO Eng SP2...
started by: agorts

Posted by agorts on May 19 2005,10:10

I fillow your directions (help file) for a multiboot dvd...

Start my testing with WinXPProSP2En installation... The copy of the files completed succesfully and the vm reboot...

After reboot the setup procedure ask me a lot of times for the path of SP2 cd... I put in it d:\xpen\i386 all the times...

How can I  notify (modify) the installation for the correct path so it will no ask me and continue with out user interaction?

Thank you

Posted by jaconbue on May 23 2005,20:32
I have the same problem like you and I'm still trying. Anyone can help us?
"Incroyable HULK" answer me in
< article in this forum >
And he invite me to see these pages:
< >
< >
Posted by jaconbue on May 23 2005,20:58
I tried your solution and I've found errors. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I have one question:
In "txtsetup.sif", what's correct:
SetupSourcePath = "\xpen"
SetupSourcePath = "\xpen\"

Thanks for all, again.