Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Problems with N in 1 multiboot DVD
started by: jaconbue

Posted by jaconbue on May 18 2005,18:34
Hi, Folks!

 I want to make a multiboot DVD with WXP and BartPE. I follow the instructions in help file of EasyBoot. All works OK, but there is a little problem.
 After installing initial WXP files, the installation need to reboot. After reboot, operating system installation continues copying files to hard disk. But it ask me more than 20 times where are de I386 folder. I answer it correctly (d:\xpen\i386) and continues OK.
 The question is: what can I do to avoiding this annoying message during the installation? Maybe with a unattended installation?

  Thanks for all. Sorry for my poor english, I'm spanish.
Posted by Incroyable HULK on May 19 2005,07:47
I had the same issues when I started to build my multiboot Unattended Windows CD... it seems that it is related to te way you obtain your boot folder.

I solved my problem by using the method in this guide:
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and this is a topic I started to solve my problem:
< >
Posted by jaconbue on May 23 2005,20:59
I tried your solution and I've found errors. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I have one question:
In "txtsetup.sif", what's correct:
SetupSourcePath = "\xpen"
SetupSourcePath = "\xpen\"

Thanks for all, again.
Posted by Incroyable HULK on May 23 2005,23:04
SetupSourcePath = "\xpen\"
Posted by jaconbue on May 24 2005,15:07
I've found the solution for my problem! It's so easy, but I spend many time to find it.

The instructions in EasyBoot User's Guide are mainly correct.
But there is some needed change: you must copy "win51*.*" files to "\xpen" folder. When the setup program reboots and starts installing the operating system, it checks if those files are in the path especificated at "SetupSourcePath". If they are there, it continues installing without problems. If they aren't in the appropiate folder, it asks user to insert the original Windows XP CD.
Posted by jaconbue on May 24 2005,18:17
Look at this topic to find detailed explanation of the procedures...

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