Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: NEW
started by: thentangler

Posted by thentangler on Aug. 07 2005,01:46
Hi all,
I new here and to easyboot too.
I heard a lot of people saying that easyboot was a lot better than magiciso in making multiboot cds and dvds.
But it seems very complex to me.
I couldnt even make a single boot cd with this.
I can only see provisions for making fancy layouts and splash screens, but where do i load the isos i want to be multibooted?
I would like to make a dvd bundle of all the windows OSes, including windows XP 64bit.
I have all the required isos but how do i make them into a multiboot dvd?
The making of the menu is what really intimidates me.
I have no idea how to set up the menu which corresponds to the appropriate iso.
Please do enlighten me,
Thank you very much.

Posted by thentangler on Aug. 07 2005,13:36
Its really urgent
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Aug. 07 2005,14:21
You cannot load a ISO file directly with EasyBoot... I think it is possible with CDShell but if you want to use EasyBoot, you'll have to take a look at the help file and this forum as most of the applications we are using need to be "prepared" before using them in the context of Multi-Booting.