Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Disc Structure & Space started by: sexylildarkpaw Posted by sexylildarkpaw on Aug. 13 2005,12:00
Hi all ![]() I seen around the forums before joining or making anything so i understand most of this and i have come to notice a bootable discs cant go over 4gb so if i want to have multiple boots,.. i need to keep it small. but can i re-route applications to save space? E.G. i have 2 versions of BartPE can i have [Bartpe1]\bootsector & [BartPE2]\bootsector, and then for each of their the programs folder can have the INF files and then change the file path to like [Disc]\_PEPrograms\ so the way it would work would be like the following BartPE BartPE(different) | | \ / (\_PEPrograms\file.exe) Example INF ; Both Boots would use the same inf in their own programs folder but they would link out to the files (basically using the same programs, but not having multiple copies all over my disc), is it possible to set the disc drive or make a variable though like i suggest below, or could i do like "programs\putty\..\..\_PEPrograms\" that way the cmdline knows how to get that without creating a variable its a few more bytes fo text but easier ![]() =============================== ; putty.inf ; PE Builder v3 plug-in INF file for Putty ; Created by Bart Lagerweij [Version] Signature= "$Windows NT$" [PEBuilder] Name="PuTTY" Enable=1 Help="putty.htm" [WinntDirectories] a="[variable for disc]_PEPrograms\putty",2 [SourceDisksFiles] putty.exe=a,,1 putty.hlp=a,,1 [Append] nu2menu.xml, putty_nu2menu.xml ========================= Has anyone done this before? or tried? hints and tips would be appreciated ![]() ![]() ![]() thnx in advance |