Forum: EasyBoot Topic: MultiBoot DVD9 ENG started by: Matteo Posted by Matteo on May 02 2017,02:36
Hi guys ... I open this topic to introduce you to my project based on this programI apologize for my English not perfect but I'm Italian I have been able to insert all Microsoft story from MS-DOS to Windows XP into one DVD9 Below I wrote all the content and all the work that was there. MS-DOS - Version: 2.12 / 3.00 / 3.10 / 3.30 / 3.31 / 4.01 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.20 / 6.21 / 6.22 / 7.10 You need to create a partition with fdisk from version 2.12 to version 3.31 before installing From version 4.01 is all automated In version 6.x you can install MS-DOS even on HDD SCSI Windows Old - Version: 2.03 / 2.10 286 / 2.10 386 / 2.11 286 / 2.11 386 / 3.0 / 3.0a / 3.1 / 3.1 WorkGroup / 3.11 / 3.11 Upgrade / 3.11 WG / 3.11 WorkGroup Upgrade I did not put Windows 1.0 because it does not work Windows NT 3.x - Version: 3.1 Advanded Server / 3.1 Workstation / 3.5 Server / 3.5 Workstation / 3.51 Server / 3.51 Workstation Windows NT 3.1 and 3.5 can only be installed with SCSI CD-ROMs I made a change by adding the CD-IDE Drivers Windows NT 3.1 and 3.5 can only be installed on Pre Processors 586 I've made a change, with the "Pentium Patch" versions you can install the operating system on Processors 586 Windows 9X - Version: 95 Upgrade / 95 RTM / 95a OSR 1 / 95b OSR 2 / 95b OSR 2.1 / 95c OSR 2.5 / 98 Upgrade / 98 RTM / 98 SE Upgrade / 98 SE / ME Upgrade / ME Step-UP / ME In the versions of Windows 95 I have integrated the Driver CD-ROM IDE From the Windows 98 versions are already installed automatically Windows NT 4.0 - Version: Enterprise Server / Server / Terminal Server / Workstation Windows 2000 SP4 - Version: Advanced Server / Datacenter / Professional / Server All Post SP4 updates have been integrated In the Datacenter version I added Driver SCSI LSI because they are not included, so you can install the operating system on VMware with HDD SCSI Windows XP SP3 - Version: Home / Home N / Professional / Professional N / Media Center 2005 / Tablet 2005 / Professionl x64 Added all updates until April 2014 Integrated SP3 also in MediaCenter 2005 and Tablet 2005 versions All DriverPacks are integrated (Chipset, CPU, Graphics A-B-C, LAN, Mass Storage, Sound A-B, WLAN) DriverPacks are not for the x64 version Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 - Version: Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter / Web / Standard x64 / Enterprise x64 / Datacenter x64 Added all updates until July 2015 The R2 installation is automated All DriverPacks are integrated (Chipset, CPU, Graphics A-B-C, LAN, Mass Storage, Sound A-B, WLAN) DriverPacks are not for the x64 version Tools: Gparted / Partition Magic 8 / Norton Ghost 2003 / DOS 98 / Driver CD-ROM for MS-DOS / Windows 98 SE Live / Windows XP Live Gparted - Famous program to create partitions Partition Magic 8 - Famous program to create partitions much lighter for less powerful computers Norton Ghost 2003 - Famous program to create HDD Clone DOS 98 - Created by me with various dos utility Driver CD-ROM for MS-DOS - Created by me with more than 50 Drivers CD-ROM IDE and SCSI for MS-DOS Windows 98 SE Live - Live operating system without installing it on the HDD, very light Windows XP Live - Live operating system without installing it on the HDD, requires at least 512MB RAM, with many utilities There is also an APPS folder with the following programs: 386MAX Microsoft Bob + Great Greetings Internet Explorer - Version: 5.0 for Windows 3.x / 5.5 SP2 for Windows 95 / 6.0 SP1 for Windows NT/98/ME Driver Mouse for MS-DOS Microsoft PLUS! - Version: 95 / 95 KIDS / 98 / XP / XP DME Driver Sound Blaster for MS-DOS Service Pack - Version: NT4 SP6a / NT4 Terminal SP6 / Windows 95 / Windows 98 SE Unofficial / Windows ME Unofficial / Plus! XP / Plus! XP DME Driver SVGA for VBOX - Version: Windows 3.x / Windows NT 3.x / Windows 9X Driver USB + NTFS for MS-DOS Driver Ethernet for Windows 3.1 /3.11 Workgroup Driver USB Windows 95 No serial code is required in all Windows installations... and they are all already active To conclude, what to say ... a very long and expensive project, but I think it is unique. I have demonstrated all the potential of this nice program, where I read here in various posts "is not possible" when in reality everything is possible :-) I uploaded a video on YouTube to show the project and another 9 videos showing all the various installations of all operating systems Link: < > Posted by balder on May 02 2017,08:08
@MatteoWelcome to EasyBoot Matteo! Quote: ’To conclude, what to say ... a very long and expensive project, but I think it is unique.’ I can only agree ![]() Nice work you done to your self – nobody can argue against your professionalism – at least I can’t ![]() Quote: ‘I read here in various posts "is not possible" Well I must partly disagree with this opinion of yours ![]() It has been explained in an early stage of EasyBoot, how to solve most parts of your excellent project (except from ‘Windows Old’ and ‘Windows NT 3.x’ as this never has been ‘up to request’). Everything else has been solved (in the early of 2000 to 2005) but now forgotten (maybe most people think it’s too old – just a thought). Have also in mind that a lot of topics with time has been lost (I guess as a consequence of several server crashes) ![]() Unfortunately, I have to add some criticism… Apart from the above, you have not described exactly how solve integrating this project into the EasyBoot menus. I know the principles how to solve this, but maybe not all users of EasyBoot know how to solve it… On the other hand, not many people uses NT3.x etcetera, as ‘hardware’ of to days computers makes it harder to solve (driver problems etcetera) ------------------- Regards balder Posted by Matteo on May 02 2017,12:36
Unfortunately many guides here are wrong.First of all the integration of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 in x64 version I also remember your post where you wrote that it was a lot harder than the x86 version and try one of your scripts ... which really do not work If I wrote all this, it's not just to boast ... before solving some things I've been looking for help here too ... but needless to say. Installing MS-DOS from a CD-ROM without requiring Floppies Various Windows NT 3 and 4 with boot from CD-ROM Installing Windows NT 3.1 / 3.5 from an IDE CD-ROM with a very hard work Installing Windows 95 from CD-ROM with automatic installation of the CD-ROM Drivers ... all I underline all the videos I have found on the network do not show how to do ... at the end of installation at the first reboot does not reveal the CD- ROM so you can not finish the installation Also added a variable that automatically detects the CD-ROM in Windows 95 when all use a fixed drive that is usually X: And many. Many other problems I had to solve ... On the EasyBoot menu I do not understand the problem ... it's very simple to do ... Posted by balder on May 02 2017,13:22
@MatteoQuote: “If I wrote all this, it's not just to boast ... before solving some things I've been looking for help here too ... but needless to say.” Please, you do not have to be upset, it was not my intention at all ![]() I can only say that you seem to have created an amazing 'super-dvd' full of software that you have reasons to be proud of. But still, you do not show any description how you solved this. The purpose of this forum is to show tips and solutions how to use EasyBoot menus (and then not the menu itself, but to the actual solution on how to integrate the software into EasyBoot) Now this would be a 'horse work' to write down and explain, so let's point out that you solved your problems in an excellent way - just to congratulate you And I repeat: Nice work you done to your self – nobody can argue against your professionalism… Quote: “and try one of your scripts ... which really do not work” Well I do have tried this script (winXP/server-2003) and I do not have any issues with this (as long as I used a ‘clean’ original setup folder i386 - NOT using nLite or similarly tool to setup files = not using manipulated folder i386) At least I tried (no guaranties it works) to make it easy to integrate software to EasyBoot. But again as I wrote; ‘this would be a 'horse work' to write down and explain’ Please be proud what you have achieved - I would ![]() ![]() @Matteo Maybe you could contribute with a step by step solution to this question from @Behdadsoft < HERE > Note: I do not use any CD/DVD unit any longer. I use USB drives. In fact, I’m convinced it's just a matter of time before CD/DVD is totally out of the picture… ------------------ regards balder Posted by Matteo on May 02 2017,16:33
(balder @ May 02 2017,13:22) QUOTE But still, you do not show any description how you solved this. Note: I do not use any CD/DVD unit any longer. I use USB drives. As I have written since the first post, my is not a guide ... but just a demonstration of all the potential that this program has. A guide for all this would take a long time ... that I did not have ... maybe one day ... I do not even use more CD / DVD ... but these are old operating systems where the USB support at least up to Windows 98 is virtually nonexistent. |