Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: How to start an Autoexec.bat in easyboot?
started by: Telecass

Posted by Telecass on Oct. 19 2005,08:34
I want to know how to start an autoexec.bat file on the boot menu of easyboot. Whith this file I want to run norton ghost Image for recovery.

I used the following command line in my batch file.

\ezboot\Ghost.exe -clone,mode=pload,src=%CDROM %\ ezboot\image.gho:1, DST = 1:1

For testing i started my Pc under DOS and started the batch file from the responsible cd and it worked.

So my question is how to run the batch file in the boot menu!!!

Thanking you in advance
Posted by eureka on Oct. 19 2005,09:29
To Telecass

Loading ghost-image using Easyboot.

Create your ghost-image, in this example named  system.gho
Move ghost-image (system.gho) to folder:  EasyBoot\disk1.
Create a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and copy ghost.exe to this folder.
NOTE!!! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and supports NTFS.

Download ”Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive” from here: < >

Run bootmec.exe to create boot floppy.
Open Autoexec.bat on floppy. (use right mouse button and choose to edit).
Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text):
(Note: leave out the switch “–sure” if you want to being prompted to continue cloning).

;>----- Start of text -----<

@echo off

MSCDEX.EXE  /D:tomato /L:X
ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb

;>----- End of text -----<

Save your edited Autoexec.bat

Use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Make Floppy Image  to create image (rename to something like: ghost.img)

Use command:   run ghost.img     in EasyBoot to start cloning.

It should work fine from DVD too.
