Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Seagate Seatools with EZ BOOT
started by: Tmod

Posted by Tmod on Sep. 07 2005,18:49
I am having a problem getting seatools to work in conjuction with EZBoot,

I have tried making a image of the ISO, I have tried making a image of the floppy, And I have also tried the way a member here suggested using BCDW.

No luck with any of those methods.

Anyone have a tried and true way to get it to work?


Posted by eureka on Sep. 08 2005,03:21
To Tmod

I use “Seagate SeaTools 3.02.03en” and made following to get it run in EasyBoot.

1. Use WinIso (or similar ISO-tool) to open downloaded file (ISO-file).
2. Save bootinformation as seagate.wbt (if using WinIso) save it to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot.
3. Use command    run Seagate.wbt    in EasyBoot as usual.

Posted by Tmod on Sep. 08 2005,09:48

Thanks for the suggestion!

Any idea why it would work as a .wbt but not as a .img or even using the bcdw method?

Posted by eureka on Sep. 08 2005,10:59
To Tmod

I now it works with XXX.wbt because I use it myself.

About XXX.img I suppose you mean using program like “winimage”. I don’t think winimage have capacity to handle bootsector in ISO-files. But I now for sure it works with WinIso

About using the bcdw method. Can sometimes be a little bit tricky. If I can find a “shortcut” to a well working solution, I always use that – so I still suggest WinIso to solve this issue.

Posted by eureka on Sep. 08 2005,11:53
To Tmod

When you have saved bootinformation (XXX.wbt). Then it’s possible to open seagate.wbt using winiso, and in that way make changes in autoexec.bat or whatever you prefer and finally save image with XXX.ima. No point in that, more than it’s possible.

“now” (he, he I “know” bad spelling).

Posted by Tmod on Sep. 08 2005,20:46

Well bad news it didn't work.

Here is the actual problem.

I have three partitions on my hard drive, Two FAT32 and One NTFS.

When seatools checks the FAT32 everything is fine, When seatools checks the NTFS drive it errors out and returns to the prompt.

Now this doesn't happen with either the floppy version or the ISO version as long as you don't use EZ Boot.

So there is a problem somewhere with the way EZ Boot interpets the drives or something.

Give it a try yourself if you have both FAT32 and NTFS on the same hard drive.

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Sep. 08 2005,22:43
I had a hard time with the floppy version as it always told me the floppy was bad upon verification using the diskette creator.

So I ended up extracting the boot image file (.BIF) from the ISO version using UltraISO and then using this file with EasyBoot
I am not sure if it working perfectly but last time I used my CD it was working ok.
Posted by Tmod on Sep. 09 2005,00:28
Thanks for the reply's!

I invite you to try something with Seatools,

Run it from your EZ Boot disk and when the program launches pick a NTFS partition to check.

Now hit button "Select Tests"

Now select the "File Structure Test"

Now hit the button "Next"

Did the program go back to the prompt or did it finish the test?

If it went back to the prompt try it on the actual CD that was made from Seatools ISO.

It will work correctly.

I am open for more ideas as to what is causing this issue.

Posted by xoben on Sep. 09 2005,01:30
Hello Tmod, please download < > , burn the decompressed ISO and try the three menu items:
1) SeaTools (BCDW)
2) SeaTools (CDSHell)
3) SeaTools (EasyBoot)
Posted by Tmod on Sep. 09 2005,01:43
Hi xoben,

Thanks for taking the time to create that.

Well it didn't work though, All three BCDW, CDSHELL, EZ BOOT all failed the same place that I am getting the failure at.

When I use the CD created from the seatool.iso or the floppy created from seatools.exe everything works fine. That is providing that nothing else is on the disk besides seatools.

Any more suggestions as to what the problem may be?

Thanks Again!

Posted by Tmod on Sep. 12 2005,22:22
Hmmmm awfully quiet in here.

Has anyone verified my findings or did I screw up somehow and nobody wants to tell me?

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Sep. 12 2005,23:02
I'll try to get my hand on a seagate drive tomorrow and verify your saying...
Posted by Tmod on Sep. 13 2005,08:15
Incroyable HULK,

Actually you don't need to have a Seagate drive as the problem will show using a WD drive as well.

You might say well the problem is you are using the wrong program for the wrong drive but I had two different people try it out on Seagate drives as well.

So if you have WD drives you can give it a shot.


Posted by Tmod on Sep. 16 2005,10:51


Posted by abel on Oct. 24 2005,11:47
I whant to create a boot disk to run some ms-dos tools,
Like ghost, matrox powermax....
How can i do that with easyboot??
