Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Problem with multy-system easyboot
started by: djavis

Posted by djavis on Oct. 25 2005,15:34
I've followed and tried to make a Multy-DVD with XP and 2000 pro.
I've done all it's said on the Help file on EazyBoot about "Ceate Nin1 DVD with multiple windows".
The problem is that i get an error " CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR" when i'm choosing the XP or the 2000.
As i said i've followed all the instructions in the Help file.
What am i supposed to do now ?
Posted by eureka on Oct. 25 2005,16:04
To djavis

Presumably some mismatch with uppercase (CAPS).

Step 1. When changing text in “w2ksect.bin” make sure to use uppercase (CAPS) in both “Text find” and “Replace with” must bee uppercase (CAPS) here.

Step 2. When changing text in “Setupldr.bin” search for i386 but “Replace with” uppercase (CAPS).

I suggest you replace w2ksect.bin and Setupldr.bin and make sure to use CAPS in the field of “Replace with” in EasyBoot > Tools > Replace text…
