Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Nothing Happens
started by: momom

Posted by momom on Nov. 02 2005,09:11
i have created a bootable cd with boots ok but when i click one of the selections nothing happens.even the reboot function is not working too.

can anyone help me?
Posted by xoben on Nov. 02 2005,09:20
Unistall EasyBoot, re-setup, do not modify anything but create a bootable CD-RW, and see if it works or not;
Then modify the menu as you wanted.
Posted by momom on Nov. 02 2005,09:30
i gonna try that.

i made a cd with default easyboot boot menu (Windows XP/98 2 in 1).It works fine but my menu doesn't works at all.

i think i gonna modify the default menu.
Posted by momom on Nov. 02 2005,11:36
i modified the default menu and it is working good but i can't load acronis true error message displays when i want to load it:

"Starting Acronis Loader"
"Boot failed, press any key..."

How can i solve that?i tried both bootinfotable;run acronis.bif and run acronis.bif commands.