Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Folders with the same name
started by: blaze85

Posted by blaze85 on Nov. 01 2005,20:50
I know this is in one of the forums but i could not find it. What i am trying to do is have an option to boot to mini pe and UBCD4WIN. I know how that i need to make one folder different from the I386 because they share the same name, and i have no problems with that. the prolem i am having is that they both also have a folder called Programs. what can i do about that. is there any way to have something like this  
 C:\easyboot\disk1\minipe\*      and have
i don't think i can do this but it might be possible, or how can i change one of the programs names and still have the program work? thanks for the help
Posted by eureka on Nov. 02 2005,02:20
To blaze85

<;t=1027 >

Note: Sometimes it’s necessary to rework some plugin.

Posted by blaze85 on Nov. 02 2005,08:58
thanks for the fast reply but i did read that forum and it isn't really helping me. the problem i have with that is then they both have the same "start" menu and have the same programs in them, eventhough some are grayed out. i was wondering if there is any way to keep them totallly seperate.
Posted by eureka on Nov. 02 2005,09:30
To blaze85

Did you use ”Optimize”?

If so, test making ISO without this option, in fact, don’t use “Optimize”, “DOS(8.3)” or “Joliet”, when making ISO.

Posted by blaze85 on Nov. 02 2005,15:23
i tried it both ways.  the "start" menu for UBCD4WIN still comes up saying miniPE and has all the miniPE programs and options in it(but some are grayed out like the shutdown options). any more ideas?
Posted by eureka on Nov. 02 2005,17:00
To blaze85

Yes you do have a point there. My mistake. I thought you used Sherpya plugin in your own BartPe, because what’s the point having two nearly “look-alike” pre-installations?
UBCD is powerful enough, together with some “personal special tools” in your own BartPe (using Sherpya plugin). It never hit my mind that you wish to make this kind of arrangement.
Nevertheless I did test following combinations:

1. UBCD4Win-v.255  And my own BartPe (with Sherpya plugin). This works!
Note: UBCD uses nu2menu and Sherpya DO NOT use nu2menu (only for “wrapping”).

2. UBCD4Win-v.255  And my own “Reatogo-BartPe” using Sherpya plugin (Sherpya is built in to Reatogo. I use Windowblinds to in here). This works!

3. UBCD4Win-v.255  and DigiWiz minipe (DigiWiz also uses nu2menu). This doesn’t work fully out!

Bye the way…I have discussed this before, please read this topic (it’s pinned): <;t=146 >

Attention: You need to use Sherpya plugin in your own BartPe (or reatogo) to have success with these combinations.

Note: It’s okay to use “Optimize” but not DOS(8.3) or “Joliet” to keep the size down.
