Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: restart menu
started by: bigrig0424

Posted by bigrig0424 on Nov. 14 2005,11:26
might be a dumb question. But I dont know. I can create a small iso file. and run it with the menu. But after program runs it goes to a command prompt. I would like to to go back to the main menu. where I can exit from there are run another program. example. I run avg antivirus. I created a iso from the
emergcy boot disk. scan runs and returns to a prompt. would like to to back to easy boot menu.

Thanks in advance.
Posted by deity on Nov. 15 2005,18:38
Maybe puting some kind of Reboot into the autoexec.exe of avg antivirus might work. I didnt know they had DOS version. Where can I get it. May I ask!