Forum: EasyBoot Topic: A couple of questions. started by: TCruz Posted by TCruz on Nov. 21 2005,19:17
I two small questions.1. Where can I find this Acronis Media Builder that I keep reading about in almost every post. All I can find is something called true image, but It makes the backups in some tib file. Don't see how I can use that with ultra ISO. 2. Second is I have a program iso that I cannot get to work from Easyboot. It is IBMs PC Doctor for laptops. I have it in two forms. 1 is 5 floppies and the is a cd iso. The ISO only has two files in it. The files are 1ETY30WW.IMA and bootcat.bin. No matter which one I put in the run line of easyboot or where I put them I cannot get this program to work. Any help is appreciated. Posted by deity on Nov. 21 2005,19:28
Acronis Media Builder I think is the way you build Bootable floppies of the DOS versions of Acronis Products. Depending which one you have installed. For example if you had Acronis True Image installed I think you would have the option to use the Acronis Media Builder to build a bunable bootable ISO or floppy version of there DOS versions of Acronis True Image. I dont know what to tell you on the 2nd question. Posted by mionica on Nov. 24 2005,17:41
@TCruz::q2the proper way would be to copy the .ima file to the ezboot folder, then use run 1ETY30WW.IMA If that doesn't work, please post the length of the .ima file. I expect it to be around 5-7Mb, but anyway, post it. Also, a hex dump of .ima's boot sector (the first 512 bytes) may help, if you posted it. Posted by TCruz on Nov. 24 2005,22:16
The ima file size is 22.1 MB. I will try to get the hex for you. And thanks for looking at this for me. Also I could give you ISO if that would help.