Forum: EasyBoot Topic: cab file compressed in lzx compression started by: deity Posted by deity on Dec. 16 2005,15:07
Anyone know of a extractor/decompressor for cab files that use the lzx compression. Ive have looked around but all I can find is reference to amiga but then I found that MS Cab files also used it. But they dont give a link to how to decompress them. Im trying to use the Lzx compressor because it makes cab files smaller. I just need to find a DOS Extract.exe file of somekind that will extract its contents. The Extract.exe file that I have only can extract MsZip cab files.
Posted by eureka on Dec. 16 2005,15:43
To deityFirst of all, WinRAR can open CAB-files, but to compress with lzx-algoritm is a different issue (I think). Anyway, lzx compression is used bye CuteZip. Download from here: < > CabPack v1.4 , a freeware from Lars Hederer, could be another choice, but I’m not sure it uses lzx compression-algoritm fully out. Download and test from here: < > Regards eureka Posted by deity on Dec. 16 2005,16:01
I found this one also before and I used it to test the difference in compression. Lzx has a better compression ratio compared to MSzip. What I was looking for was a DOS extractor for lzx files. For a gui based One I use the freeware IZarc from someone elses recommendation and it works in opening, extracting, and creating cab files. There website is located at < > I was trying to create a ghost bootdisk using the Ghost image template posted on one of the sticky posts. But the extract.exe file included only is able to extract MSzip files. I was looking for one that also extracts LZX compressed ones. Posted by deity on Dec. 16 2005,16:41
At the moment Im working with MSzip cab files. My template was based on the one posted for Creating a restore disk W/ghost Its a nice template because it has something that resembles a gui in DOS. But Some of the choices it had where in another language other then English. A friend gave made a rough translation and from there I have been able to figure out what the choices are doing. After much testing I have so far been successful in writing a nice looking menu choice gui. I also added USB mouse support per your past post in my other thread. Im working on adding the into it at the moment. Im might need your help to squash some bugs and iron them out. If you dont mind. |