Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Safe Mode
started by: blaze85

Posted by blaze85 on Oct. 17 2005,14:18
I am looking to set up a menu to boot into safe mode, safe mode with networking, etc. etc. Can you do this with EasyBoot or not. please help. thank you
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Oct. 17 2005,20:47
I don't think you can "install" EasyBoot to the MBR of your disk so this menu would appear every times you boot your computer...

If you want this menu to appear every time you boot, I suggest you search for a solution on the web. There must be a way to do it without any third party tools
Posted by eureka on Oct. 18 2005,06:39
To blaze85

I think it’s possible to use EasyBoot to start Windows in safe mode.
Note: I assume we are talking about WinXP. So this tutorial responds to NT-system.

Do it this way: Insert a blank floppy disk into drive A:, select “Start >> All Programs, Accessories >> Command Prompt”, type format a:, when finished, press Enter.
When asked if you want to format another disk, type n and press Enter. Type the following commands, pressing Enter after each one.

xcopy c:\boot.ini a: /h
xcopy c:\ a: /h
xcopy c:\ntldr a: /h

Now type exit and press Enter to close the window.

We need to edit boot.ini  Note: These files are hidden on floppy. You need to make them visible (“Show hidden files and folders”).

Open boot.ini on floppy (use notepad) and notice something that should look like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

Note: This is a kind of standard; yours might have some extra stuff (or less).

Now edit “multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect” to look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /safeboot:network /sos /noguiboot

As you can notice, “/safeboot:network /sos /noguiboot” is what’s been inserted in the end of line.

Use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Make Floppy Image  to create image (rename to something like: safemode.img)

Use this “safemode.img” in EasyBoot as usual: run safemode.img

This starts computer in safe mode and with network support.

Posted by blaze85 on Oct. 19 2005,12:55
Thanks for the help...Any ideas on how to do the rest of the options.   1)Safe Mode
             2)Last Known Good Configurations
Windows 98
             1)Safe Mode
Thanks again
Posted by eureka on Oct. 19 2005,15:33
To blaze85

Quote: ” Last Known Good Configurations”. Haven’t been able to locate any options according to this. It’s the same with Win98. You have to use F8 during boot sequence. F8 command seems to be built in to system files witch makes it far from any easy task to hack.

But I can show you how to reach recovery consol in WinXP (from EasyBoot). This is how it is done: < >

Note: You need do press R on keyboard to reach “recovery position”.

Posted by roger2 on Dec. 19 2005,19:29
To eureka:
Thanks for the great info on making Win2k/XP safemode.

For Win98/ME Safemode:
If I boot into windows first, then select the option:
1. Restart your computer in MS-DOS Mode.
2. From a command prompt type "win /d:m" without the quotation marks.
This way computer will boot into safemode successfully.

But if I boot from a Win98/ME bootable floppy, then type:
c:\windows\win /d:m
The system will give "VFAT Device Failed" ERROR and system halts.

Do you have any idea to make a bootable floppy that support "win" command? (just like old days in win3x)

Thanks in advance.
Posted by eureka on Dec. 20 2005,08:33
To roger2

I think it should work with this… It took some time to figure out… Needed to “pull out some hair” before it was solved… He, he… Still not bald…

Download boot floppy from here:

Create floppy. Then open config.sys and edit text to this:

rem DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off

DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato

rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1f0,14
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,15
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,10
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,12
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,11
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,10
rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,9


Note: “Device=C:\WINDOWS\ifshlp.sys”  is what’s been inserted. Save and continue with open autoexec.bat (use right mouse button and choose to edit).

Edit autoexec.bat to have this text:

@echo off

MSCDEX.EXE  /D:tomato /L:R
win /d:m

Start EasyBoot> Tools> Make floppy image
Rename image to something else. How about  safewin9.img (default is boot.img)
In EasyBoot set command:  run safewin9.img

Have tested this with Win98 and WinMe. Works perfect to both systems. I don’t now why you get this message: "VFAT Device Failed".

Posted by roger2 on Dec. 20 2005,17:49
Thanks for the quick reply.

WoW, the only line I missing is:


Althought I found the help from Microsoft, I am too noob to add that line.
< >

You are the best:)