Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Function keys started by: pivert Posted by pivert on Dec. 20 2005,18:12
Hi,using function keys for commands like quit / reboot/ boot 80 works Ok, that is launches action immediately However, typing an m to go back to "main menu" only moves highlight to corresponding menu entry, but doesn't launch. Normal ? I use as key m and as action run MainMnu.img TIA all Posted by xoben on Dec. 21 2005,01:37
Hello pivert, function keys should be created on 'Misc' page.
Posted by pivert on Dec. 21 2005,12:05
Yes and it is ther that I have tried with an m for calling a "run MainMnu.img" to go back to main menu. But as opposed to 'q' that quits EZB or r that reboots or h that boots to hard disk, this m only selects the menu item and dose not trigger execution of it.It is not a keyboard problem ( using belgian keyboard and EZB is 'qwerty') since using letter sthat are same on all keyboards behave same way. Wondering if thes function keys only can trigger direct execution of EZB build in commands ( quit / reboot / boot 80 ) ? ![]() Posted by pivert on Dec. 21 2005,12:11
Sorrrrry typo in previous message : m should execute MainMnu.ezb not MainMnuimg !