Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Problem with XP/2000-3 Installation using EZB started by: djavis Posted by djavis on Nov. 01 2005,14:32
Hi,I've made a multi-disc with menu using the EZBoot. I've followed the steps in the guide Nin1 boot cd/dvd to create some Win. installations dvd. I'm having several problems: 1. during XP installations he's always asking me to insert CD with SP2 and by pressing OK the default for the files are: "D:\I386" and how it should be: "D:\xpen\I386". I manually writing it down in the tab but the messege is returning itself all the time (just to mention that i changed in the tiff file the SetupSourcePath to "xpen" like in the guide). 2. I'm also getting some error messeges in the first begining of Win. 2000 and 2003 server (it's on the very first step of the installations when it supposed to copy files..). Thanks in advance ! Posted by eureka on Nov. 01 2005,15:10
To djavisQuote: “during XP installations he's always asking me to insert CD with SP2 and by pressing OK the default for the files are: "D:\I386" and how it should be: "D:\xpen\I386". This error is caused by the fact that you don’t have necessary ident-files on both the “primary root” and the “second root”. Explanation: Ident-files ("win51" and more files) must reside on the root “EasyBoot\disk1” and on “second root” witch is folder below i386 (xpen). Example in your case: EasyBoot\disk1\ win51 (and more ident-files, because this is “the primary root”) EasyBoot\disk1\ xpen\ win51 (and more ident-files, and a bunch of setup-files. Note: this is “the second root”) EasyBoot\disk1\ xpen\ i386\ (ident-files not necessary in here) A brief explanation how it works: When you start setup (running equivalent “w2ksect.bin”) this starts setupldr.bin in folder “xpen”, and setup is looking on the root of CD\DVD-unit (“primary root”) for win51 (and more ident-files). Files from i386 are then copied to two different folders on [C:] (one boot-folder and another folder holding installation-files). When finished, computer reboots and continues installation. Installation program now looks on the “second root”, witch is xpen (you have changed this in “txtsetup.sif >> Setupsource”. That’s why you need ident-files in two places. I now, it’s seems stupid, but necessary! Note: Setup-program still needs to have CD/DVD in reader-unit! To solve problems with 2000 and 2003 server, please use “Gosh way”. Link here: < > In this way you get a superb boot-folder with right set of setup-files. Attention: Don’t forget to make a copy of boot.ini and save this to floppy (or some temporary folder). When “false” install is finished, overwrite changed boot.ini-file with saved original one). Note: boot.ini is hided on the root [C:] eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 19 2005,15:06
Hi Again,Regards the XP issues many thanks - my CD is now working and i can install XP. But my problems with the 2000 and 2003 are still the same. There's no info about 2000/2003 in your link... I'm adding the 2000 and 2003 by the "Nin1" guide from the EZBoot but i'm getting some errors with missing files right from the start of the installation process (the blue screen). Please try to make a DVD with XP and 2000 and 2003 win according to the "Nin1" guide and you'll see the problems if you'll choose to install 2000 or 2003 from the EZ menu. Please help and advise what should i do . Thanks ! :-) Posted by eureka on Nov. 20 2005,07:56
To djavisQuote: ”Please try to make a DVD with XP and 2000 and 2003 win according to the "Nin1" guide and you'll see the problems….” Yes you have 100% right there. You need to run what I name: “Gosh guide”: < > Note: I use a slight different way comparing to ”Gosh guide”, because I have problems using my keyboard in Virtual computer. DO IT THIS WAY! (In EasyBoot “practical guide” I refer to Win2000). There is a hook here. You need to have win98 or WinMe installed, because we try to make an upgrade. But you can’t “down-grade” your system from WinXP to Win2000. To avoid installing Win98/WinMe to be able to upgrade, please use Virtual computer (or Wmware). Install Win98 (or WinMe) in Virtual Computer. When finished with installation of win98 (or winme) in virtual computer. Run virtual computer (starting windows 98/winme) and put Win2000-CD in CD-reader. It should now autostart, if not, manually open CD and start “Setup.exe”. XP Setup should come up. Make sure you chose New Installation, not Upgrade. Go through the options as usual. Don't download updated setup files. If the "Setup Options" screen shows up, click on "Advanced Options", and make sure "copy all installation files from the CD" is checked. If it's grayed out - that's fine. It will create 2 folders on the root [C:]. These folders may be hidden, so make sure you can see hidden files/folders. Note: This is a very slow process, but it works. When Setup trying to reboot computer (finished with copying files) choose to stop reboot. You should no have two new folders: $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS on [C:]. The BT folder has your boot files; the LS folder has the main install files (the same as the i386 folder, but reduced). You now have two options. 1. Rename $WIN_NT$.~LS to i386 and use this reduced folder as i386. 2. Skip this reduced i386 ($WIN_NT$.~LS) and use original folder on CD (i386). I prefer reduced folder. Note: you cant upgrade from Win9* using this reduced folder. But who upgrades this days? Still working from Virtual computer, rename folder $WIN_NT$.~BT to BOOT and finally, burn this folder to a CD-RW. (As option burn folder i386 as well to CD-RW). When finished, shut down virtual computer and use “practical guide” in EasyBoot. As option jump over step 3, if you choose to use reduced folder (from CD-RW) instead of the big original i386 folder. Jump over step 4 (don’t run wxp.bat). Instead copy everything from CD-RW\boot-folder to “en2k”. Now you have a perfect set of “boot-files”. As option, put winnt.sif (unattended file) in folder “en2k”. The above method applies to Windows 2003 Server as well, in fact to the whole WinNT-“family” from Win2000 to this date. Note: Delete $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS in Virtual Computer before you run the same procedure with Win2003. And if using same system (Win98/WinMe) on virtual computer, choose to start “windows” when it starts up. Note: It’s possible to have Win2000, Win2000 server, Bartpe and some extra material on same CD, if you choose to use reduced i386-folder. Not bad? eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 21 2005,13:31
Hi again,First of all i would really wanna thank you for your help... Now for the CD - I can't really understand how reducing the I386 folder will help because if i've copied all the original folder of the 2000 installation (for example) and he didn't find some files - how would he find it now if the folder is smaller ? All the process of installing a win98 and upgrading will really help ? If the guide on the EZBoot not working well why not publishing a working one ? Just to make sure before i'm installing VMWare and win98, my goal is to have a CD (if needed it will be dvd) with XP, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server and 2003 server. your last "guide" will work and create this kind of a "N in 1" ![]() Posted by eureka on Nov. 21 2005,14:29
To djavisQuote: ”I can't really understand how reducing the I386 folder will help because if i've copied all the original folder of the 2000 installation (for example) and he didn't find some files - how would he find it now if the folder is smaller ?”. Did you copy every file from i386 to “en2k” and in the same time put an extra folder i386 in folder “en2k”? Or what? Or did you copy i386 to “en2k” and run w2k.bat inside “en2k”? Please explain to me before you go any further? eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 22 2005,07:05
Hi again Eureke :-)Thanks again for your patience and your help. As you asked - i'll explain from the start... I've followed the EZBoot guide called "N in 1" to try and make a multi disc with 4 windows insatllation on it: Win XP, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server and 2003 Server - That's my final "Goal". In the begining i had some troubles with all of the windows installations but you have solve the one with the XP. So, now i have a disc (DVD) with good XP installation but the 2000 Pro/2000 Server/2003 Server are not working and i get "missing files" messeges right from the begining of the copying files process (the first blue screens of the win. installations). Regards your questions - so the answer is like this: Again, I've followed the "N in 1" guide and it says there to copy the I386 folder to "en2k" and to run the w2k.bat in there. That's what i did for the 2000 pro/server and the 2003 server. Just to make sure i'm being understood - in my DVD there are 4 win folder: xpen, en2k (for 2000 pro), sr2k (for 2000 server) and 2k3s (for the 2003 server). In each one there's the original I386 folders exact as they are on the CD and more files that were created by the bat files (each one on every win folder as mention above). In the root directory (or should i say in the disk1 folder on the eazyboot folder) there are the "WIN-XXX" files that are mentioned also in the guide. I've also copied them to the I386 folder like in the solution you gave me in the XP but that's also didn't help ... It's really strange because it's should be more or less like the XP but it's not. Your proffesional help and thanks again for your patience ! Posted by djavis on Nov. 22 2005,09:44
By the way...I've tried now to burn another copy and still in the win 2000 (both pro and server) i'm getting the missing files error messeges at the blue screen of the installation, and in the 2003 server it even doesn't starting the copying files process but givving me a messege: "CDBOOT: couldn't find ntldr". Waiting for your help ! Thanks Posted by eureka on Nov. 22 2005,11:27
To djavisWorking on it! Be patient :-) In mean time, did you use “Gosh tutorial” to get boot-folder? Or did you just test once more time with EasyBoot guide? eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 22 2005,13:24
Hi Eureka !I've just tried again to use the EZ guide. Many Many Thanks for your help - again ! :-) Posted by eureka on Nov. 22 2005,13:52
To djavisQuote: “Your professional help…..” Hrrrmmm blush from top of my head down to my toes :-)))) Do as following: Note: Make changes in w2k.bat before you run it. Choose to edit w2k.bat. Insert these lines: copy i386\C_1252.NL_ copy i386\C_850.NL_ copy i386\VGA850.fo_ Note: I’m using Swedish Win2000, it could be that you still need some different files to support your Win2000 (different language) One more thing in w2k.bat. I mentioned that I use Swedish version of Win2000. To make it work I needed to edit this line in w2k.bat: “copy i386\KBDUS.DLL” (this is USA language). In case you have USA-version of Win2000, well then it’s not necessary to make changes. However, you need to edit this line if having different language according to Win2000. Examples: kpdpl.dll (Polish), kpduk.dll (England) and so on… Take a look in folder i386 to find your language. Edit line to serve your language support. Finally: You need to use (or partly use) unattended to make it run. This is my unattended file (winnt.sif). Use any simple text editor and copy & past this text and save file as winnt.sif. Then put winnt.sif in folder en2k. Here comes text: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No UnattendSwitch="yes" TargetPath=\WINNT WaitForReboot = No Hibernation=No [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* AutoLogonCount="999999" AutoLogon="yes" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 OemSkipWelcome=1 [PCHealth] ER_Display_UI = 0 [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="anonymous" OrgName="homer" ComputerName=computer01 [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [URL] Home_Page= [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 Vrefresh = 85 Xresolution = 1024 Yresolution = 768 ; - end of script – Some notes: TimeZone=110 (110 = central Europe time. Perhaps change this one?) ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 Put in your CD-key here. Home_Page= Change start page in Internet Explorer? Hibernation=No I hate Hibernation. It’s possible to activate hibernation in Windows later on, or delete this line completely. Use EasyBoot “Practical Guide”>>Create Nin1” as usual, together with my suggestions (use edited w2k.bat). Okay, test and feedback (don’t forget ident files in two places!) eureka Posted by eureka on Nov. 22 2005,15:45
To djavisHave tested this and it works! Windows2000-server tutorial: Make a new copy of wk2.bat and change name on it to wk2serv.bat (easier to keep separated from original wk2.bin). Put wk2serv.bat in folder for Win2000-server together with folder i386 (2000-server). Choose to edit wk2serv.bat and insert these lines: copy i386\C_1252.NL_ copy i386\C_437.NL_ As you can notice, wk2serv.bat is slight different from “wk2.bat” used in Win2000. Again you have to check what language support you should have in wk2serv.bat file. If necessary, change line in wk2serv.bat: “copy i386\KBDUS.DLL” to serve your language support. Attention: You need winnt.sif here to. Use same as showed earlier (change CD-key of course). Use EasyBoot tutorial as usually. eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 23 2005,06:46
Hi again,I was very happy to hear that you've tried it and it's working and i thought that this is it and i will finally have a multi disc but unfortunately it doesn't working well ... Now, i'm getting for win 2000 pro and server the same error - right after i'm choosing it from the EZ menu: "CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR" Why is that? (if you remember it's the same problem with the 2003 server). Another issue is what should i do to make the 2003 server installation to work (which lines do i have to edit) ? As always many many thanks for your help and patience !!! Posted by eureka on Nov. 23 2005,08:18
To djavisQuote: "CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR" Win2000… Something is wrong with path in ***.bin (file in ezboot folder) and/or path in setupldr.bin (resides in en2k. It’s a part of files that starts up installation procedure). Please do this: Step 1. Put a new copy of w2ksect.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> w2ksect.bin in ezboot-folder In “Text to find” you put in “I386” (no quotes) and in “Replace with” you put in “EN2K” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Only one text string should be replaced if you have done right! Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this EN2K not en2k Note: I suppose you use a different name on w2ksect.bin. Don’t forget to rename it to what you have in EasyBoot-menu. Step 2. Run w2k.bat (the edited one) inside en2k to get your set of boot-files on place inside folder en2k. Again use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder en2k In “Text to find” you put in “i386” (no quotes and note: i386 not I386) and in “Replace with” you put in “EN2K” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Three text strings should be replaced if you have done right! Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this EN2K not en2k Test and verify what’s happening… eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 23 2005,08:47
G-R-E-A-T !!!The Win 2000 Server is working well (i think - i didn't gone all the installation process but it's looks ok). The win 2000 pro is still problematic because now in the copying screen (blue) i get an error: "file \en2k\c_437.nls could not be loaded. the error code is 14". Although i've tried to install directly from the CD and it worked - Maybe my 2000 pro is corrupted so i'll try another CD. What about the 2003 server - what lines do i have to edit or do you think it's the BIN file again ? To remind you i get the "CDBOOT ..." messege. I would like to thank you for your support and your help to create my own Multi DVD working disc. Waiting for further instructions ... Posted by eureka on Nov. 23 2005,08:58
To djavisPlease scroll tree steps up to: “Posted: Nov. 22 2005,20:45” and you have the answer for 2000-server. Regards eureka Posted by eureka on Nov. 23 2005,09:05
To djavisI think I mixed stuff a little bit there… Anyway, please notice difference between w2k.bat used in win2000pro and w2k.bat used in win2000-server! eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 23 2005,11:29
Dear Eureka !You are T-H-E M-A-N !!! It's almost perfect ... For now the installations of XP, 2000 Server and 2003 Server are seems to be working (again i didn't install it all the way - just tested until the end of the files copying process...). There is still 1 problem: As i mentioned before - the installation of the 2000 pro is stopping at the file's copying process and giving me the error: "File \en2k\c_437.nls could not be loaded. The error code is 14. " In here i have to restart and i can't continue with the installation. I've tried different CD of win 2000 pro so it wasn't the problem because i got the same error with different I386 (from different CD). So to close my problems here are some questions if you still have some time: 1. When i'm adding 2003 server by the guide, i have to add the "win51" files to the disk1 folder. Because i'm using XP installaion also in here, this files already exist (WIN51). Which file do i have to leave there - the one from XP or the one from 2003 Server ? 2. How can i apply the Serial Number of the XP installation like you suggested in the 2000/2003 so he'll (computer) do it by itself ? 3. Just reminding the problem with the 2000 pro and this fixing will close my CD. This are my final and last issues. I know that maybe i'm bothering you but it really gonna help me a lot if it will work !!! Again, i'm very grateful for your help and patience ! You are the MAN ! Posted by eureka on Nov. 23 2005,12:50
To djavisI quote from top of page 2 in this post: ” Choose to edit w2k.bat. Insert these lines: copy i386\C_1252.NL_ copy i386\C_850.NL_ copy i386\VGA850.fo_ Note: I’m using Swedish Win2000, it could be that you still need some different files to support your Win2000 (different language)” End of quote. ------------------------------ To clarify…. Seems that you still need to insert one more line in w2k.bat that being used in Win2000Pro. And it is this line: “copy i386\C_437.NL_” (no quotes). That means that the final edit we have to do in original w2k.bat is this: copy i386\C_437.NL_ copy i386\C_1252.NL_ copy i386\C_850.NL_ copy i386\VGA850.fo_ I didn’t need “copy i386\C_437.NL_” in w2k.bat to make it run. But as I pointed out, there might be some differences according to different language. Test with this (hopefully working) w2k.bat -------------------------------------------- Quote: “i have to add the "win51" files to the disk1 folder”. Use same file! You don’t need to overwrite the same stuff. About unattended in WinXP… Open your original (full) WinXP-CD >> Support >> Tools >> Copy to you hard disk and use your zip-program and choose to “Extract to Deploy\”. You now have a new folder named “Deploy”. Start “setupmgr.exe” inside folder. Use this to create your own unique unattended file. Note: Make sure you choose “…… install from CD”. You have the same tool in Win2000-server. Now you can set right “Timezone” and more to serve your needs. Note: In my unattended I have some extra stuff (not supported in “setupmgr.exe”). This is my winnt.sif for WinXP: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No UnattendSwitch="yes" TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot = No Hibernation=No [PCHealth] ER_Display_UI = 0 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* AutoLogonCount="999999" AutoLogon="yes" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 OemSkipWelcome=1 [WindowsFirewall] Profiles = WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode = 0 [PCHealth] ER_Display_UI = 0 [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="anonymous" OrgName="homer" ComputerName=dator001 [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [URL] Home_Page= [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 Vrefresh = 85 Xresolution = 1024 Yresolution = 768 - end of script - Note: Delete this if you want to run firewall from start (I don’t use XP-Firewall): [WindowsFirewall] Profiles = WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode = 0 ------------------------------------------------------- You can run “autopartition”, if you change first parts of “setup-tags” to this: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=yes FileSystem = ConvertNTFS UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No UnattendSwitch="yes" TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot = No Hibernation=No Attention: If using “AutoPartition=1“ and “Repartition=yes” and “FileSystem = ConvertNTFS” you wipe completely out every file and folder AND PARTITION on [C:] It creates one big partition with NTFS-file system on it. Watch out if you choose to use this option in some winnt.sif file !!!! Dangerous stuff !!!! Note: Use my method to have different winnt.sif (different unattended choices). Read about it here: <;t=1040 > Quote: “I know that maybe i'm bothering you…….” No problems…. Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 24 2005,03:40
Eureke T-H-E M-A-N !!!My multi-DVD is almost complete... I'm now trying to install all the OS and testing it all the way. I Know you gave me a link to see unattended files, but i was got lost in those sites ... I want my installations just to skip the Serials Numbers. It's very important that i will see all the first screen like choosing the installation partiotions, choosing whether to work with NTFS or FAT32, i want the option to Format and more. How can i enable this features and just leaving the SN to be applied automatic ? Is there a different with these unattended files when installing XP, 2000 or 2003 ? (i want applying the SN automatic in all win and leaving the other features as original) Again - I owe you a lot !!! Many many thanks !!! Waiting for your replay Posted by djavis on Nov. 24 2005,06:15
Dear Eureka !My Multi DVD is actually working !!! The XP, 2000 Server and 2003 Server are nearly perfecto !!! I just want to edit the winnt files as i asked the previous step How can i just skipping the serial key typing ? I want to leave all the others configurations as origin (choosing partiotions, NFTS or FAT32, Formating and more)... Regards the 2000 pro it still not perfect but i'm almost sure it's my side (not the EZBoot). Waiting for your final instructions and with Regards ! Posted by eureka on Nov. 24 2005,09:34
To djavisQuote: ”Waiting for your final instructions and with Regards !” Take some time to test (running Virtual Computer). Working on it! Be patient :-) Regards eureka Posted by eureka on Nov. 24 2005,13:58
To djavisAbout unattended. TAKE A LOOK ON YOUR ORIGINAL-CD!!! Open your original (full) WinXP-CD > open folder “Support” > continue with open folder “Tools” and copy “” to you hard disk and finally use your zip-program (use right mouse button) and choose to “Extract to Deploy\”. You now have a new folder named “Deploy” on hard disk. Start “setupmgr.exe” inside folder “Deploy”. Use this program to create your own unique unattended file. Note: Make sure you choose option: “…… install from CD”. You have the same tool on Win2000-CD. Anyway you asking to have only CD-key automatically inserted. Do it this way: Start any simple text editor (use notepad) and insert these lines: This is WinXP (Xp-home as well) and probably Win2003 too (I don’t have Win2003). ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemSkipEula=NO OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot = No [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="" OrgName="" - end of script - Save file as winnt.sif. This is Win2000pro and Win2000-server: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINNT WaitForReboot = No [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="" OrgName="" - end of script - Save file as winnt.sif. Now about this problem with Win2000-pro I have been struggling with the construction of a kind of “universal.bat” file. Purpose is to use this to all kind of systems from: Win2000 to WinXP (XP-Home included). This batch file also support every “standard” language what so ever. I’m not 100% sure (only 99%) its perfect. Please use any simple text editor (notepad) and insert these lines: copy i386\1394BUS.SY_ copy i386\ABP480N5.SY_ copy i386\ACPI.SY_ copy i386\ACPIEC.SY_ copy i386\ADPU160M.SY_ copy i386\AHA154X.SY_ copy i386\AIC116X.SY_ copy i386\AIC78U2.SY_ copy i386\AIC78XX.SY_ copy i386\AMSINT.SY_ copy i386\ASC.SY_ copy i386\ASC3350P.SY_ copy i386\ASC3550.SY_ copy i386\ATAPI.SY_ copy i386\BIOSINFO.INF copy i386\BOOTFONT.BIN copy i386\BOOTVID.DL_ copy i386\BUSLOGIC.SY_ copy i386\CD20XRNT.SY_ copy i386\CDFS.SY_ copy i386\CDROM.SY_ copy i386\CLASS2.SY_ copy i386\CLASSPNP.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRAY.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRY2.SY_ copy i386\CPQFCALM.SY_ copy i386\CPQFWS2E.SY_ copy i386\C_936.NL_ copy i386\DAC960NT.SY_ copy i386\DISK.SY_ copy i386\DISK101 copy i386\DISK102 copy i386\DISK103 copy i386\DISK104 copy i386\DMBOOT.SY_ copy i386\DMIO.SY_ copy i386\DMLOAD.SY_ copy i386\FASTFAT.SY_ copy i386\FD16_700.SY_ copy i386\FDC.SY_ copy i386\FIREPORT.SY_ copy i386\FLASHPNT.SY_ copy i386\FLPYDISK.SY_ copy i386\FTDISK.SY_ copy i386\HAL.DL_ copy i386\HALAACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALAPIC.DL_ copy i386\HIDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\HIDPARSE.SY_ copy i386\HIDUSB.SY_ copy i386\I8042PRT.SY_ copy i386\INI910U.SY_ copy i386\INTELIDE.SY_ copy i386\IPSRAIDN.SY_ copy i386\ISAPNP.SY_ copy i386\KBDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\KBDHID.SY_ copy i386\KBDUS.DLL copy i386\LBRTFDC.SY_ copy i386\LP6NDS35.SY_ copy i386\L_INTL.NL_ copy i386\MOUNTMGR.SY_ copy i386\MRAID35X.SY_ copy i386\NCRC710.SY_ copy i386\NTDETECT.COM copy i386\NTFS.SY_ copy i386\NTKRNLMP.EX_ copy i386\OHCI1394.SY_ copy i386\OPENHCI.SY_ copy i386\PARTMGR.SY_ copy i386\PCI.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDE.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDEX.SY_ copy i386\PCMCIA.SY_ copy i386\QL1080.SY_ copy i386\QL10WNT.SY_ copy i386\QL1240.SY_ copy i386\QL2100.SY_ copy i386\SBP2PORT.SY_ copy i386\SCSIPORT.SY_ copy i386\SERENUM.SY_ copy i386\SERIAL.SY_ copy i386\SETUPDD.SY_ copy i386\SETUPLDR.BIN copy i386\SETUPREG.HIV copy i386\SFLOPPY.SY_ copy i386\SPARROW.SY_ copy i386\SPCMDCON.SYS copy i386\SPDDLANG.SY_ copy i386\SYMC810.SY_ copy i386\SYMC8XX.SY_ copy i386\SYM_HI.SY_ copy i386\TFFSPORT.SY_ copy i386\TXTSETUP.SIF copy i386\UHCD.SY_ copy i386\ULTRA66.SY_ copy i386\USBD.SY_ copy i386\USBHUB.SY_ copy i386\USBSTOR.SY_ copy i386\VGA.SY_ copy i386\VGAOEM.FO_ copy i386\VIDEOPRT.SY_ copy i386\WMILIB.SY_ mkdir SYSTEM32 copy i386\system32\*.* system32 - end of script - Save file as “universal.bat” (no quotes) Test this with Win2000-pro and feed back result. 1. Don’t forget ident files when testing! 2. Don’t forget to use hex edited setupldr.bin-file when testing! 3. Don’t forget to change “setupsource” in txtsetup.sif-file (I did :-(( ) when testing! Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 26 2005,13:28
Hi Eureka !!!It's been quite a long weekend for me due to all the installation testing i did with my Multi-DVD. I'm very happy to tell you that it's almost complete (let's say 98%). I'm hope i'm not nagging and bothering you (again) but you're the only one that can help me to complete this Powerfull Disk (you really don't know how much can it help me) ! So, to finally complete this disk there are several issues that solving them will create this multi disk so please advise me what should i do: 1. All the Win. installations are working well but not Win XP. After copying thw winnt.sif file from the 2003 server folder it's getting stuck right after choosing the xp installation from the ezboot and in the black screen (before the blue one) where showin' the line "Setup is checking your computer configuration". 2. Another question is again how can i enable the screens on the first setups of the partition's installation choosing and after it (when working with the original cd) will gives me the question whether to format it and in which one - fat32 or ntfs. This is a question i've asked you before and putting your winnt.sif file didn't enable it. maybe it's suppose to be something else than "ProvideDefault". What if i will delete all the lines in the winnt besides "GuiUnattended" and "User data" ? 3. One last thing but less important is How can i skip the line "Press any key to boot from CD" after choosing an installation ? The first two issues are most important to finish this project and also answering the third one will be great ! I Know my messeges are quite long but solving for me these last things will create my Perfect Multi Disk - with the help of the master in EZBoot - Eureka !!!!! Again i owe you a lot and waiting mpatiently for your final Instructions ... Thanks ! Posted by eureka on Nov. 26 2005,14:44
To djavisI'm hope i'm not nagging and bothering you…. No problems, I still (he, he) have some hair to “pull out”. I’m not bold yet, but I sure working on it….! Anyway…. Question 1. I can’t see why it should stop only because you using winnt.sif file? Must be some corrupted or missing file in folder “xpen”? If it works with Win2003 it should work with WinXP as well! Question 2. Test with changing UnattendedInstall="YES" to: UnattendedInstall="No" Question 3. This is a “bug” in bat-file (wxp.bat). This only concerns WinXP, correct? To fix this, delete file “Bootfix.bin”. It’s in your “boot-folder” (“xpen”). Note: It doesn’t matter if you have it in i386 folder as well, because Setupldr.bin isn’t using files in i386. It’s using files in “boot-folder” (folder “xpen” for WinXP as an example). Regards eureka Posted by eureka on Nov. 26 2005,15:34
To djavisI have missed to put some stuff into universal.bat file. Here is the right one: copy i386\VGA850.FO* copy i386\C_850.NL* copy i386\USBEHCI.SY* copy i386\1394BUS.SY* copy i386\1394VDBG.SY* copy i386\ABP480N5.SY* copy i386\ACPI.SY* copy i386\ACPIEC.SY* copy i386\ADPU160M.SY* copy i386\AHA154X.SY* copy i386\AIC78U2.SY* copy i386\AIC78XX.SY* copy i386\ALIIDE.SY* copy i386\AMSINT.SY* copy i386\ASC.SY* copy i386\ASC3350P.SY* copy i386\ASC3550.SY* copy i386\ATAPI.SY* copy i386\BIOSINFO.IN* copy i386\BOOTVID.DL* copy i386\CBIDF2K.SY* copy i386\CD20XRNT.SY* copy i386\CDFS.SY* copy i386\CDROM.SY* copy i386\CLASSPNP.SY* copy i386\CMDIDE.SY* copy i386\CPQARRAY.SY* copy i386\C_1252.NL* copy i386\C_437.NL* copy i386\DAC2W2K.SY* copy i386\DAC960NT.SY* copy i386\DISK.SY* copy i386\DMBOOT.SY* copy i386\DMIO.SY* copy i386\DMLOAD.SY* copy i386\DPTI2O.SY* copy i386\DRVMAIN.SD* copy i386\FASTFAT.SY* copy i386\FDC.SY* copy i386\FLPYDISK.SY* copy i386\FTDISK.SY* copy i386\HAL.DL* copy i386\HALAACPI.DL* copy i386\HALACPI.DL* copy i386\HALAPIC.DL* copy i386\HALMACPI.DL* copy i386\HALMPS.DL* copy i386\HALSP.DL* copy i386\HIDCLASS.SY* copy i386\HIDPARSE.SY* copy i386\HIDUSB.SY* copy i386\HPN.SY* copy i386\HPT3XX.SY* copy i386\I2OMGMT.SY* copy i386\I2OMP.SY* copy i386\I8042PRT.SY* copy i386\INI910U.SY* copy i386\INTELIDE.SY* copy i386\ISAPNP.SY* copy i386\KBDA1.DL* copy i386\KBDA2.DL* copy i386\KBDA3.DL* copy i386\KBDAL.DL* copy i386\KBDARME.DL* copy i386\KBDARMW.DL* copy i386\KBDAZE.DL* copy i386\KBDAZEL.DL* copy i386\KBDBE.DL* copy i386\KBDBLR.DL* copy i386\KBDBR.DL* copy i386\KBDBU.DL* copy i386\KBDCA.DL* copy i386\KBDCLASS.SY* copy i386\KBDCR.DL* copy i386\KBDCZ.DL* copy i386\KBDCZ1.DL* copy i386\KBDCZ2.DL* copy i386\KBDDA.DL* copy i386\KBDDIV1.DL* copy i386\KBDDIV2.DL* copy i386\KBDDV.DL* copy i386\KBDES.DL* copy i386\KBDEST.DL* copy i386\KBDFA.DL* copy i386\KBDFC.DL* copy i386\KBDFI.DL* copy i386\KBDFR.DL* copy i386\KBDGAE.DL* copy i386\KBDGEO.DL* copy i386\KBDGKL.DL* copy i386\KBDGR.DL* copy i386\KBDGR1.DL* copy i386\KBDHE.DL* copy i386\KBDHE220.DL* copy i386\KBDHE319.DL* copy i386\KBDHEB.DL* copy i386\KBDHELA2.DL* copy i386\KBDHELA3.DL* copy i386\KBDHEPT.DL* copy i386\KBDHID.SY* copy i386\KBDHU.DL* copy i386\KBDHU1.DL* copy i386\KBDIC.DL* copy i386\KBDINDEV.DL* copy i386\KBDINGUJ.DL* copy i386\KBDINHIN.DL* copy i386\KBDINKAN.DL* copy i386\KBDINMAR.DL* copy i386\KBDINPUN.DL* copy i386\KBDINTAM.DL* copy i386\KBDINTEL.DL* copy i386\KBDIR.DL* copy i386\KBDIT.DL* copy i386\KBDIT142.DL* copy i386\KBDKAZ.DL* copy i386\KBDKYR.DL* copy i386\KBDLA.DL* copy i386\KBDLT.DL* copy i386\KBDLT1.DL* copy i386\KBDLV.DL* copy i386\KBDLV1.DL* copy i386\KBDMON.DL* copy i386\KBDNE.DL* copy i386\KBDNEC.DL* copy i386\KBDNO.DL* copy i386\KBDPL.DL* copy i386\KBDPL1.DL* copy i386\KBDPO.DL* copy i386\KBDRO.DL* copy i386\KBDRU.DL* copy i386\KBDRU1.DL* copy i386\KBDSF.DL* copy i386\KBDSG.DL* copy i386\KBDSL.DL* copy i386\KBDSL1.DL* copy i386\KBDSP.DL* copy i386\KBDSW.DL* copy i386\KBDSYR1.DL* copy i386\KBDSYR2.DL* copy i386\KBDTAT.DL* copy i386\KBDTH0.DL* copy i386\KBDTH1.DL* copy i386\KBDTH2.DL* copy i386\KBDTH3.DL* copy i386\KBDTUF.DL* copy i386\KBDTUQ.DL* copy i386\KBDUK.DL* copy i386\KBDUR.DL* copy i386\KBDURDU.DL* copy i386\KBDUS.DL* copy i386\KBDUSL.DL* copy i386\KBDUSR.DL* copy i386\KBDUSX.DL* copy i386\KBDUZB.DL* copy i386\KBDVNTC.DL* copy i386\KBDYCC.DL* copy i386\KBDYCL.DL* copy i386\KD1394.DL* copy i386\KDCOM.DL* copy i386\KSECDD.SY* copy i386\LBRTFDC.SY* copy i386\L*INTL.NL* copy i386\MOUNTMGR.SY* copy i386\MRAID35X.SY* copy i386\NTDETECT.CO* copy i386\NTFS.SY* copy i386\NTKRNLMP.EX* copy i386\OHCI1394.SY* copy i386\OPRGHDLR.SY* copy i386\PARTMGR.SY* copy i386\PCI.SY* copy i386\PCIIDE.SY* copy i386\PCIIDEX.SY* copy i386\PCMCIA.SY* copy i386\PERC2.SY* copy i386\PERC2HIB.SY* copy i386\QL1080.SY* copy i386\QL10WNT.SY* copy i386\QL12160.SY* copy i386\QL1240.SY* copy i386\QL1280.SY* copy i386\RAMDISK.SY* copy i386\SBP2PORT.SY* copy i386\SCSIPORT.SY* copy i386\SERENUM.SY* copy i386\SERIAL.SY* copy i386\SETUPDD.SY* copy i386\SETUPLDR.BI* copy i386\SETUPP.IN* copy i386\SETUPREG.HI* copy i386\SFLOPPY.SY* copy i386\SLIP.SY* copy i386\SPARROW.SY* copy i386\SPCMDCON.SYS copy i386\SPDDLANG.SY* copy i386\STREAMIP.SY* copy i386\SYMC810.SY* copy i386\SYMC8XX.SY* copy i386\SYM*HI.SY* copy i386\SYM*U3.SY* copy i386\TFFSPORT.SY* copy i386\TOSIDE.SY* copy i386\TXTSETUP.SI* copy i386\ULTRA.SY* copy i386\USBCCGP.SY* copy i386\USBD.SY* copy i386\USBHUB.SY* copy i386\USBOHCI.SY* copy i386\USBPORT.SY* copy i386\USBSTOR.SY* copy i386\USBUHCI.SY* copy i386\VGA.SY* copy i386\VGAOEM.FO* copy i386\VIAIDE.SY* copy i386\VIDEOPRT.SY* copy i386\WMILIB.SY* copy i386\1394BUS.SY_ copy i386\ABP480N5.SY_ copy i386\ACPI.SY_ copy i386\ACPIEC.SY_ copy i386\ADPU160M.SY_ copy i386\AHA154X.SY_ copy i386\AIC116X.SY_ copy i386\AIC78U2.SY_ copy i386\AIC78XX.SY_ copy i386\AMSINT.SY_ copy i386\ASC.SY_ copy i386\ASC3350P.SY_ copy i386\ASC3550.SY_ copy i386\ATAPI.SY_ copy i386\BIOSINFO.INF copy i386\BOOTFONT.BIN copy i386\BOOTVID.DL_ copy i386\BUSLOGIC.SY_ copy i386\CD20XRNT.SY_ copy i386\CDFS.SY_ copy i386\CDROM.SY_ copy i386\CLASS2.SY_ copy i386\CLASSPNP.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRAY.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRY2.SY_ copy i386\CPQFCALM.SY_ copy i386\CPQFWS2E.SY_ copy i386\C_936.NL_ copy i386\DAC960NT.SY_ copy i386\DISK.SY_ copy i386\DISK101 copy i386\DISK102 copy i386\DISK103 copy i386\DISK104 copy i386\DMBOOT.SY_ copy i386\DMIO.SY_ copy i386\DMLOAD.SY_ copy i386\FASTFAT.SY_ copy i386\FD16_700.SY_ copy i386\FDC.SY_ copy i386\FIREPORT.SY_ copy i386\FLASHPNT.SY_ copy i386\FLPYDISK.SY_ copy i386\FTDISK.SY_ copy i386\HAL.DL_ copy i386\HALAACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALAPIC.DL_ copy i386\HIDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\HIDPARSE.SY_ copy i386\HIDUSB.SY_ copy i386\I8042PRT.SY_ copy i386\INI910U.SY_ copy i386\INTELIDE.SY_ copy i386\IPSRAIDN.SY_ copy i386\ISAPNP.SY_ copy i386\KBDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\KBDHID.SY_ copy i386\KBDUS.DLL copy i386\LBRTFDC.SY_ copy i386\LP6NDS35.SY_ copy i386\L_INTL.NL_ copy i386\MOUNTMGR.SY_ copy i386\MRAID35X.SY_ copy i386\NCRC710.SY_ copy i386\NTDETECT.COM copy i386\NTFS.SY_ copy i386\NTKRNLMP.EX_ copy i386\OHCI1394.SY_ copy i386\OPENHCI.SY_ copy i386\PARTMGR.SY_ copy i386\PCI.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDE.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDEX.SY_ copy i386\PCMCIA.SY_ copy i386\QL1080.SY_ copy i386\QL10WNT.SY_ copy i386\QL1240.SY_ copy i386\QL2100.SY_ copy i386\SBP2PORT.SY_ copy i386\SCSIPORT.SY_ copy i386\SERENUM.SY_ copy i386\SERIAL.SY_ copy i386\SETUPDD.SY_ copy i386\SETUPLDR.BIN copy i386\SETUPREG.HIV copy i386\SFLOPPY.SY_ copy i386\SPARROW.SY_ copy i386\SPCMDCON.SYS copy i386\SPDDLANG.SY_ copy i386\SYMC810.SY_ copy i386\SYMC8XX.SY_ copy i386\SYM_HI.SY_ copy i386\TFFSPORT.SY_ copy i386\TXTSETUP.SIF copy i386\UHCD.SY_ copy i386\ULTRA66.SY_ copy i386\USBD.SY_ copy i386\USBHUB.SY_ copy i386\USBSTOR.SY_ copy i386\VGA.SY_ copy i386\VGAOEM.FO_ copy i386\VIDEOPRT.SY_ copy i386\WMILIB.SY_ copy i386\1394BUS.SY_ copy i386\ABP480N5.SY_ copy i386\ACPI.SY_ copy i386\ACPIEC.SY_ copy i386\ADPU160M.SY_ copy i386\AHA154X.SY_ copy i386\AIC116X.SY_ copy i386\AIC78U2.SY_ copy i386\AIC78XX.SY_ copy i386\AMSINT.SY_ copy i386\ASC.SY_ copy i386\ASC3350P.SY_ copy i386\ASC3550.SY_ copy i386\ATAPI.SY_ copy i386\BIOSINFO.INF copy i386\BOOTFONT.BIN copy i386\BOOTVID.DL_ copy i386\BUSLOGIC.SY_ copy i386\CD20XRNT.SY_ copy i386\CDFS.SY_ copy i386\CDROM.SY_ copy i386\CLASS2.SY_ copy i386\CLASSPNP.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRAY.SY_ copy i386\CPQARRY2.SY_ copy i386\CPQFCALM.SY_ copy i386\CPQFWS2E.SY_ copy i386\C_936.NL_ copy i386\DAC960NT.SY_ copy i386\DISK.SY_ copy i386\DISK101 copy i386\DISK102 copy i386\DISK103 copy i386\DISK104 copy i386\DMBOOT.SY_ copy i386\DMIO.SY_ copy i386\DMLOAD.SY_ copy i386\FASTFAT.SY_ copy i386\FD16_700.SY_ copy i386\FDC.SY_ copy i386\FIREPORT.SY_ copy i386\FLASHPNT.SY_ copy i386\FLPYDISK.SY_ copy i386\FTDISK.SY_ copy i386\HAL.DL_ copy i386\HALAACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALACPI.DL_ copy i386\HALAPIC.DL_ copy i386\HIDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\HIDPARSE.SY_ copy i386\HIDUSB.SY_ copy i386\I8042PRT.SY_ copy i386\INI910U.SY_ copy i386\INTELIDE.SY_ copy i386\IPSRAIDN.SY_ copy i386\ISAPNP.SY_ copy i386\KBDCLASS.SY_ copy i386\KBDHID.SY_ copy i386\KBDUS.DLL copy i386\LBRTFDC.SY_ copy i386\LP6NDS35.SY_ copy i386\L_INTL.NL_ copy i386\MOUNTMGR.SY_ copy i386\MRAID35X.SY_ copy i386\NCRC710.SY_ copy i386\NTDETECT.COM copy i386\NTFS.SY_ copy i386\NTKRNLMP.EX_ copy i386\OHCI1394.SY_ copy i386\OPENHCI.SY_ copy i386\PARTMGR.SY_ copy i386\PCI.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDE.SY_ copy i386\PCIIDEX.SY_ copy i386\PCMCIA.SY_ copy i386\QL1080.SY_ copy i386\QL10WNT.SY_ copy i386\QL1240.SY_ copy i386\QL2100.SY_ copy i386\SBP2PORT.SY_ copy i386\SCSIPORT.SY_ copy i386\SERENUM.SY_ copy i386\SERIAL.SY_ copy i386\SETUPDD.SY_ copy i386\SETUPLDR.BIN copy i386\SETUPREG.HIV copy i386\SFLOPPY.SY_ copy i386\SPARROW.SY_ copy i386\SPCMDCON.SYS copy i386\SPDDLANG.SY_ copy i386\SYMC810.SY_ copy i386\SYMC8XX.SY_ copy i386\SYM_HI.SY_ copy i386\TFFSPORT.SY_ copy i386\TXTSETUP.SIF copy i386\UHCD.SY_ copy i386\ULTRA66.SY_ copy i386\USBD.SY_ copy i386\USBHUB.SY_ copy i386\USBSTOR.SY_ copy i386\VGA.SY_ copy i386\VGAOEM.FO_ copy i386\VIDEOPRT.SY_ copy i386\WMILIB.SY_ mkdir SYSTEM32 copy i386\system32\*.* system32 - end of script - eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 27 2005,10:35
Hello my friend,Well things have not changed so much... 1. Everytime i'm trying to install XP using a disk with a winnt.sif file in the xpen folder - he's getting stuck in the first screen - as i was saying where he writes: "Setup is checking your computer configuration". When i'm deleting the file - everything is working perfectly but i have to type the Serial. 2. Changing from "yes" to "no" in the UnattendedInstall didn't gave me the screens where i can choose the system file (ntfs or fat32) and the formating one. 3. You did solve the unnecessary line so your reply was a little bit handy... Please advise what should i do with the XP installation. regards the partitions and formating screen it's will be good to enable them but it's not that big deal like the XP installaion. Thanks ! Posted by eureka on Nov. 27 2005,12:39
To djavisNice to see that you (or should I say I have?) only one problem left to solve? This is out of common sense that setup getting stuck in this first screen. I have never seen this behaviour before!!!! I must repeat; “Must be some corrupted or missing file in folder “xpen”? If it works with Win2003 it should work with WinXP as well!” Note: I have tested this myself and it works perfect on WinXP original i386 and with WinXP-sp2 (slipstreamed) i386! And it works with, or without winnt.sif (also tested with reduced winnt.sif as well). If you use the complete winnt.sif-file, does it run then? Is this WinXP (i386-folder) a copy or is it original CD? To make sure that Setupldr.bin is in shape, I suggest you download “Windows XP 6 Disk Set Up Set”. Download from here: < > (I suppose you have servicepack 1 or 2 already integrated?). Be sure to choose right service pack and you own language when downloading! You will be redirected to Microsoft. If you don’t have service pack integrated, choose original set up disk set. Use right mouse button on downloaded file from Microsoft, and choose to “Extract to….” You now have a new folder with six images inside. It is probably image1 that holds setupldr.bin. Extract this fresh setupldr.bin and use this instead of your own. Use EasyBoot and “hex edit” text “i386” to XPEN as usual (I suppose XPEN is you XP boot-folder). In fact, it’s possible to copy every file from these six images to XPEN to get completely fresh files, instead of copy them from i386 (using wxp.bat). If so, don’t forget to change “setupsource” in txtsetup.sif-file and finally inject winnt.sif to make it work. Please test and feedback. Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Nov. 29 2005,09:34
Hello My Friend,Well this is how "things" right now: Windows versions 2000 pro/server and 2003 server are working well - Including serials and everythings - simply perfect! Regards the XP - well i started over and created the 'xpen' folder again. modified the bin files (from i386 to xpen) and of course changing the setup source to 'xpen'. I also added the winnt.sif file to the 'xpen' folder and now it's not getting stuck. But - it's look like the computer ignoring some data from the winnt.sif file ... He doesn't applying the serial and the Welcome screen is coming up, when he does accept all the others data (like computer name and organization). I'm attaching the xp winnt.sif exactly as it is on the disk. Please advise for solving this issue winnt.file: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword= AutoLogonCount=1 AutoLogon="yes" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=0 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductID=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE FullName="DJAVIS" OrgName="HOME" ComputerName=MINE [URL] Home_Page= [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 Vrefresh = 60 Xresolution = 1024 Yresolution = 768 Of course the serial is the one matching the xp installaion. Thanks ! By the way - did you found a way to enable the first blue screens allowing the user to choose installation partitions, formatting options and ntfs/fat32 ? Best Regards !!! Posted by eureka on Nov. 29 2005,14:02
To DjavisHappy to see major progress in this project of yours (except last step). Well, you sure ”fall” in right direction (forward), but seems to ”twist” your feet’s together at that final step (WinXP). Problem is that I have twisted my hair instead of my feet’s. Question is, what’s the worst scenario? Well, feet’s sounds funnier than “pulling out you hair” ![]() Anyway, been testing and I used exactly your winnt.sif (but my serial) and it run perfect with my system (XP with sp2). Note: test was done in Microsoft virtual computer and not on hardware. If unattended problem only happens when testing with hardware and not in virtual computer, well if so, it indicates that something is weird with your folder i386 – or something is weird in hardware configuration. This last part (hardware test) could then explain the weird behaviour setup showed with and without winnt.sif in ISO. In my test computer halts at blue screen allowing the user to choose installation partitions, formatting options and ntfs/fat32. Note: I did use your winnt.sif!!! Questions: How do you test? On hardware or in virtual computer of some kind? If test only is made on hardware, could you test on different hardware (another computer of some kind)? And/or is it possible for you to fix a new “fresh” i386-folder? Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Dec. 02 2005,08:15
Hi Eureka ,How are you ? Thanks for your reply. Regarding your questions, well i'm actually testing it using a re-writable DVD and i tested the disk on couple of machines. Both of them got stuck on the first line before the copying files for the XP setup - "The Setup is configuring your system"... if i recall right or something like that... The weird thing is that when i making a multi disk only with the xpen folder everything is working perfect but when i'm adding all the other win installation (2000/2003) then i'm getting stuck with the xp installation when i'm actually using the same xpen folder ! How is that could be explained ?!? Regards "my" winnt.sif it's very very strange that it's working perfectly because mine doesn't applying the serial by itself and not givving me the options to choose whether to format the partiotions, fat32/ntfs and more ... Waiting for more suggestions ... :-) Posted by eureka on Dec. 02 2005,10:19
To djavisHmmm??? Interesting notes from you especially this: “when i making a multi disk only with the xpen folder everything is working perfect but when i'm adding all the other win installation (2000/2003) then i'm getting stuck with the xp installation when i'm actually using the same xpen folder!” So it works perfect when you only have one system (WinXP) on multiboot-DVD? Correct? Hmmm??? But unattended doesn’t work as supposed? Correct? This indicates that it’s a good idea to test a different WinXP-CD (different CD-key). Using winnt.sif shouldn’t be any problems at all. If you can’t get this to run well, then you need to test with different Setup-CD. If you use 2000-pro and XP (not putting in 2000-Server) does it run then? If so, change DVD-RW. When you create ISO in EasyBoot, do you activate “DOS(8.3)” and/or “Joliet”? If so, test with not using this options. Only activate “Optimize”. “The final solution”. You mentioned that you tested on different hardware. I now urge you to use “Gosh way” to get a perfect working boot-folder (setup-folder). Please install win98 or winme on that “second computer” of yours and then do the “Gosh thing”. Gosh site here: < > Collect files from folder “$WIN_NT$.~BT” on “second computer” (use USB-memory, CD-RW or several floppy to collect files). Use files in XPEN-folder (don’t run wxp.bat). Follow EasyBoot tutorial as usually. Note: I always use uppercase (CAPS) on XPEN-folder! If you run “Gosh way”, as bonus, winnt.sif is automatically created in “$WIN_NT$.~BT”, use this winnt.sif file when testing. Note: You still need to change “setupsource”, hexedit setupldr.bin and finally copy ident-files as usually to XPEN. If you decide to run “Gosh way”, and having CD/RW-unit on this “second computer”, why not collect and use reduced i386-folder ($WIN_NT$.~LS) as well? You really need to run “Gosh way”. Please use “Gosh way”! Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Dec. 11 2005,08:36
Eureka - The man !!!Hi, Sorry for not replying a few days but i did some work over the sea ... First of all let me tell you that all 4 operating systems are working well ! There is still the little problem that not giving me the chance to choose if i want to format and in what system file so solving me this will make it 100% Disk !!! I want to ask you another question if you don't mind : If i want to install a Server i can't use my Multi-Disk and i have to use the startup cd that's given me by the server's company and after it inserting the right OS. Is there a way to by-pass this procedure and using my Multi-Disk ? This is my chance to thank you again for your big help and your patience !!! Nice to know there are some good people that willing to help each other !!! Thanks again and as always, waiting for your professional answer. Regards, Avi Posted by eureka on Dec. 11 2005,11:27
To djavisNice to here from you… Quote: ”There is still the little problem that not giving me the chance to choose if i want to format and in what system file so solving me this will make it 100% Disk…” As option; About WinXP-problem, don’t fuss around with changing path to setup. Instead use original i386-folder on the root (EasyBoot\disk1\) and w2ksect.bin as it is. Don’t hexedit setupldr.bin, use original path (i386) and put winnt.sif in i386-folder. I mean something like this: EasyBoot\disk1\i386 and ident-files (win51 and more files). This is winxp (don’t make any changes, use original i386-folder) EasyBoot\disk1\en2k\i386 EasyBoot\disk1\ ………. And more multi-folders I’m only pointing to the option that you have space for one i386-folder on the root. You don’t need to make any changes at all to this one. Test and see if your unattended file runs as expected in this way. ----------------------------- I have to admit that I’m far from any expert in setting up server-domains. To setup/install server offers a lot of different options according to hardware and network capacities. I know that it is a little “tricky”. About this issue I have to point to some links: < > Section: “Creating the Answer File”. And section: “New Options for Automated Installation” (it should work on 2003 as well). Another interesting link here: < > Or use “Sysprep.inf”-way. Read here: < > Anyway…YOU DID IT! You have built your first working multiboot All-In-One-DVD. I’m imprested. ------------------------- Her in southeast parts of Sweden the snow has melted away and it’s 8 degrees (Celsius) warm (nearly summer :- )) Strange winter this days, I must say ![]() Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Dec. 14 2005,04:40
Hi friend !Still the problem (with all win. versions) regards the first screens doesn't letting me choose whether to format the partitions or choosing files system (fat32/ntfs) . besides this i'm very pleased with the multi-disk . About the other question (server installation) none of your links answered my question... Someone told me about WinPE - Do you know something about it ? Can i hide other folders in my disk like the ezboot folder ? Best regards and many many thanks ! Posted by eureka on Dec. 14 2005,06:30
To djavisI must say: ”You sure are a fighter…” About unattended. Following winnt.sif-files forces setup to halt and ask you about “Setup-path” (and asking you to “Formatting” or not). I can’t help you more than this, because this should work “worldwide” and I’m out of ideas how to solve this strange problems of yours. Note: this first winnt.sif file responds to WinXP: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot = No Hibernation=No [PCHealth] ER_Display_UI = 0 [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [GuiUnattended] EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="" OrgName="" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 Vrefresh = 85 Xresolution = 1024 Yresolution = 768 ---------------------------- And this is Win2000-server (and Win2000-pro as well): ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] Repartition=No UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No UnattendSwitch="yes" TargetPath=\WINNT [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* AutoLogonCount="999999" AutoLogon="yes" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 [PCHealth] ER_Display_UI = 0 [Components] ;Does not install AutoUpdate autoupdate = Off [UserData] ProductID=11111-22222-33333-44444-55555 FullName="” OrgName="" ComputerName=computer001 [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [URL] Home_Page= [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 Vrefresh = 85 Xresolution = 1024 Yresolution = 768 ------------------------------------- WinPe is a “pre-installation” environment. Note: You need WinXP (with servicepack-2 slipstreamed into WinXP) You can’t use WinXP original folder (i386), must have sp2 integrated (“slipstreamed”). But this “WinPe” has generally nothing to do with the setup of Windows. WinPe is a “free running” WinXP (runs from CD/DVD). WinPe doesn’t need any harddisk to run from, it only needs some RAM-memory (at least 32Mb). I’ll say that this is the perfect “service-tool” to have in your arsenal. Highly recommended. Some links: < > To make it easier and more elegant, use this link: < > Reatogo forum here: < > -------------------------------- Quote: “Can i hide other folders in my disk like the ezboot folder?” Yes it’s possible, but you need “Ultra-ISO” to hide different folders on the root (EasyBoot\disk1). Link to Ultra-ISO here: < > Regards eureka Posted by djavis on Dec. 19 2005,15:01
hello my friend,How are you these days ? ? ? I hope everything are OK !! Can you tell me please what do i need to add in the Winnt.sif file so that when the installation is complete and the system is logging in for the first time - it will run a file called "installs.exe" from the CD-Rom i used for the installation ? As allways thanks and best regards !!! Posted by eureka on Dec. 19 2005,16:13
To djavisWell this can’t be initiated directly from winnt.sif. You need some extra stuff to make this happen when system starts up. Best method could bee to use a file called “RunOnceEx.cmd”. The “old method” with “Batch Scripting” is still used < > but “RunOnceEx.cmd” is used more this days. Anyway, as this needs a lot of explanation and belongs to “unattended”, I must redirect you to forum for this. Links here: < > Click on “Advanced Users”>>Advanced method of install>>RunOnceEX from CD. But you probably need to read more about cmd-files in unattended before this step. Note: You also need to read and understanding the procedure about using “$OEM$ Distribution Folders ”. Forum for unattended here: < > Hope I didn’t disappoint you, because this needs a lot of explanations, and best people to serve your questions according to this issue is “”. I have learned a lot from this excellent site < > Regards eureka Posted by rechinu1 on Dec. 21 2005,20:42
I tried to make a mult-boot cd with winxp and another bootalble cd. I moved my instalation winxp from I386 to WIXP, I made the modification even in the 2 files( the bootsector file, and the text file with the source path), it workes fine until it says to press the first ENTER, the it shows the error that it can find the EULA text and it doesn't continues. I must press F3 and Quit. What can I do?
Posted by eureka on Dec. 22 2005,03:20
To rechinu1Quote: “I moved my installation winxp from I386 to WIXP…” What do you mean with this? Attention: You have to move the whole i386 folder to the inside of folder WIXP and then run wxp.bat from inside of WIXP folder and continue with changing path (hex edit) in Setupldr.bin, followed bye making necessary changes in txtsetup.sif (files that’s being copied bye wxp.bat from i386 folder to the inside of WIXP folder). It should look like this: EasyBoot\disk1\Win51 (and several more ident files depending if you have slipstreamed to servicepack2 – or servicepack1) EasyBoot\disk1\WIXP\i386 EasyBoot\disk1\WIXP\wxp.bat (run this batch-file from here) EasyBoot\disk1\WIXP (put ident files in here to=Win51 and several more ident files depending if you have slipstreamed to servicepack2 – or servicepack1) Make sure you change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] in txtsetup.sif to SetupSourcePath = "\WIXP\" and hex edit Setupldr.bin in folder WIXP. eureka Posted by djavis on Dec. 25 2005,04:54
Hi again,Just a simple question - if you know something about the RunOnCeex ... I'm using the RunOnceex command on my multi-DVD disc. The command is actually working but only on the XP Opertaing System. It copying a folder to the system folder and runs a file that is copying. My problem is that the folder the contains the CMD file doesn't being copied to the system folder on 2000 and 2003. I'm doing the same things as on XP. Why is it not working with 2000/2003 ? Thanks my friend ! Posted by eureka on Dec. 25 2005,07:14
To djavisI don’t think Windows 2k support RunOnceEx (could bee the same to 2003 as well). You need to use batch file instead of RunOnceEx. Please read here: < > And djavis, please use MSFN-Forum for unattended here: < > You have made a huge progress from the point: “Nothing works making AIO-DVD”! I’m imprested! Merry Christmas to you… ![]() Regards eureka |