Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Create New Floppy Image started by: jsmithown Posted by jsmithown on Dec. 29 2005,21:43
A long time ago I used this program and I was able to create floppy images (1.44MB) and they were able to boot. But now, I am not able to do it...When you go to "Tools-->Create New Image", what does that "Seed image" do? I chose a seed image (made from a W98 boot disk), and I assumed that it copied the boot sector from that floppy. My question is, what exactly does it copy? 1) Makes a BLANK image The image expects the W98 boot files (autoexec.bat, etc), so I must add these files in explicitly or 2) The image has everything that the seed image had (and it's hidden), so I don't have to add the files that were already on the seed image I am using UltraISO to modify my images. I add autoexec.bat and everything manually. But I keep on getting an "invalid system file" or something whenever I try to boot the modified image. ------------------------------------------ Another question: I think that the reason I'm having so much trouble is because of this, please correct me if I'm wrong (or tell me a different way). I'm asking this mainly out of curiosity and knowledge Since these files are system files, do I not need attrib -r -h -s then modify the files, and then restore the attributes (read only, hidden, system) attrib +r +h +s Thanks a everyone! Posted by xoben on Dec. 29 2005,23:24
1) "Tools-->Create New Image" is designed for creating a abnormal (above 2.88MB large) new blank image, but keeps the boot sector of the seed image. You should add system files manualy.2) It is recommanded to create a bootable floppy first, then use 'Tools->Create Floppy Image' to get a .img file and load it directly Posted by TomSilver on Jan. 09 2006,15:01
He has no floppy drive >_>To download bootable floppies, just search Google, I'm sure a site exists where you can easily download whatever you need. |