Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Problem with 2000 Installation using EZB started by: AlexKan Posted by AlexKan on Dec. 07 2005,08:40
!Sorry for my english!I'm create a AIO DVD disk. End using 2000 Prof Sp4 Russian Editition distributive. Original distributive 100% working. In process on loading w2k from AIO DVD - appears problem. Two problem has been are present. 2. Blue screen of dead - screen see below. Posted by AlexKan on Dec. 07 2005,08:44
-----1. Problem with coding (must be russian) of the installation (I tried to copy ALL files from X:\EasyBoot\disk1\2KOR\i386\ to X:\EasyBoot\disk1\2KOR\ - did not help). (2KOR - windows 2000 Original) ---- Many thanks, Sorry for my english. Posted by Alex2 on Jan. 10 2006,14:20
The same question - making bootable CD for WinXP SP2 Russian Edition gives the result with no russian codepage, while the original disk works fine. What's the solution?
Posted by eureka on Jan. 10 2006,14:45
To AlexKanAs I don’t have any Russian version, this is the only direction I’m able to point to… I think you need to practise “Gosh way” to get a perfect boot-folder. Link here: < > (Making a custom CD/DVD>>Creating the CD/DVD>>Reducing source). Note: You can get winxp boot-folder using win2000 as base (win2000 installed) and from that point run a faked (false) upgrade to winxp (using “Gosh way”). But to get win2000 boot-folder you need a “lower system” installed, like win98 or winme, and from that point run a faked (false) upgrade to win2000 to get a perfect boot-folder. No problems with your English – works perfect to me! eureka Posted by Alex2 on Jan. 12 2006,11:43
Hi, I've found the solution - don't use setupldr.bin directly,use instead original XP CD's boot record, and copy all the files from the root of original XP CD to new (especially bootfont.bin). |