Forum: EasyBoot Topic: help with multiboot started by: mrx1 Posted by mrx1 on Jan. 12 2006,16:51
how can i add windows Millienum along with win 98 and xpi tried editing win98.img but there is something missing thanks Posted by eureka on Jan. 13 2006,01:54
To mrx1Please read this: <;f=1;t=1083 > eureka Posted by mrx1 on Jan. 13 2006,06:16
Thanks for the great help.And i would like to know if i can use easyboot to automatically install programms like nero during windows setup Posted by eureka on Jan. 13 2006,06:36
To mrx1Quote: “install programs like nero during windows setup”. EasyBoot is a boot loader, not a kind of “install loader” running in Windows! What you are asking for is done as a part of “unattended install” (using a file called winnt.sif). Note: this can’t be initiated directly from winnt.sif. You need some extra stuff to make this happen when system starts up. Best method could bee to use a file called “RunOnceEx.cmd”. The “old method” with “Batch Scripting” is still used but “RunOnceEx.cmd” is used more frequent this days. Anyway, as this needs a lot of explanation and belongs to “unattended”, I must redirect you to forum for this. Links here: < > In upper left corner, click on “Advanced Users”>>Advanced method of install>>RunOnceEX from CD. But you probably need to read more about cmd-files in unattended before this step. Note: You also need to read and understanding the procedure how to use “$OEM$ Distribution Folders ”. Forum for unattended here: < > Regards eureka Posted by mrx1 on Jan. 14 2006,10:12
Again thanks for your help and i already use “Batch Scripting” in my unattended cd and it works fine but RunOnceEx.cmd does not work with.One more thing how to add xp media center to my list of choices. THNKS Posted by eureka on Jan. 14 2006,10:55
To mrx1Sorry, I don’t have media center, but if I where you, I should hexedit boot file (w2ksect.bin) and setupldr.bin that belongs to WinXP, in the way explained in EasyBoot-help: >>User’s guide>>Practical guide>>Create Windows 98 and Windows NT/2000/XP 2 in 1 bootable CD And when having fixed XP (new name on i386 folder together with hexedit files), go ahead with fixing media center. I suppose you have this media center on some kind of CD? Copy every folder and file from this CD to EasyBoot\disk1 continue with collecting boot file from CD (use winIso or UltraIso to achieve this). Put boot file in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot use command run XXX.bin (I suppose it’s a bin file). As I pointed out, I don’t have this media center so this is just a hint (or guess) how it could bee done. Regards eureka Posted by mrx1 on Jan. 18 2006,08:33
Thanks i will give it atry
Posted by eureka on Jan. 18 2006,09:16
To mrx1If modifying “setupsource” (changing name on WinXP i386-folder). If so, please take attention to ”ident files”. Read this topic: <;t=1188 > eureka |