Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Set environment for when exiting EasyBoot ?
started by: pivert

Posted by pivert on Dec. 18 2005,11:16

when you "quit" EasyBoot ( q key), you are returned to a prompt like in DOS

Is there a way to automatically set environment variables for that time ? Like path settings to access files on the CD?
Haven't tried yet but will later on today : is the CD content accessible from then on ?

Posted by xoben on Dec. 21 2005,01:40
Is there a way to automatically set environment variables for that time ? Like path settings to access files on the CD?
Haven't tried yet but will later on today : is the CD content accessible from then on ?

Only build-in commands can be entered, such as dir, cd, etc.
Posted by pivert on Dec. 21 2005,12:00
So if I understand well only "inner" commands function, nothing else ?

Posted by TomSilver on Jan. 22 2006,15:10
EZB Shell or something
You can look that up on internet.
But anyway, if you want to use a different shell when quitting, don't use quit, but use run <shell> ;)
Posted by pivert on Jan. 23 2006,13:40
Nice idea ! will rapidly try it !

I wanted to be returned to a prompt where I would be able to either reboot or do "DOS-based" actions, access diverse Tools on the CD etc and the quit command returns to a very limited prompt.

Will give feedback !
Posted by Done ! on Jan. 23 2006,13:45
Well I didi it and replaced the quit command when hitting 'q' by the run adequate.img and voila !

So simple ! :D