Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: boot 80 for IDE HDD, but which one for S-ATA?
started by: Hendrik

Posted by Hendrik on Jan. 31 2006,07:36

I know the command boot 80 to boot from my first p-ata (IDE) hdd. Which ID do I need for my s-ata hdd?

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Jan. 31 2006,07:59

Just make sure your SATA drive is first in the BIOS boot priority option if you have a EIDE hard drive installed as well
Posted by Hendrik on Jan. 31 2006,08:04

The problem behind this is as follows:
I have a (corporate) pc with 2 sata hdds
1st hdd has the mbr and a wxp bootsector and boots normal
2nd hdd has a linux system with a bootsector on sdb1

I need to create a cd with a selector to boot linux or windows. The mbr and bootsector of the first hdd must not be modified.

If i use boot 80 or boot 81 it doesn't work (it starts wxp :-( )
Posted by Tattenbach on Feb. 01 2006,06:18
You surely have a boot manager installed in one of the hdd's in order to select either XP or Linux)

It should be easier just to use grub4dos in your Easyboot CD to boot one of the entries in the hdd boot manager (probably GRUB).
Posted by Tattenbach on Feb. 01 2006,06:36
If you don't have any boot manager yet in any of your hdd's then you could:

a) use a dd in linux to copy the linux's hdd bootsector to a fat 16 partition, move the resluting ima to you \ folder in xp and create and entry in boot.ini.

b) Use a grub CD/floppy or grub4dos flopyy/CD. But you need to know your hdd's configuration in order to create the file menu.lst.

c) The bootloader GAG 4.5d can be installed into a floppy. I guess you can image this floppy and use this in EasyBoot