Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Creating n to 1 bootable DVD
started by: jwong

Posted by jwong on Feb. 05 2006,20:04
I followed the procedure in the EasyBoot Help to create an n to 1 DVD that contains two versions of Windows 2003 and two versions of Windows XP, but when the DVD booted, I got the error message "Couldn't load NTLDR".

Please help!
Posted by eureka on Feb. 06 2006,05:22
To  jwong

Please, start with modifying only WinXP. When you have this running well, continuo with the rest.

Common problem is to get working boot files (this seems to be the biggest problems). There is a small tool that creates boot files from different i386 folders.

Read and download stuff from here: < >
Note: you need to have Microsoft framework installed (read everything in topic above).


Step 1. Create a new folder named xpen in EasyBoot\disk1
Step 2. Copy i386 folder to EasyBoot\disk1\xpen
Step 3. Open txtsetup.sif in i386 folder and search for setupsourcepath. Change this from “\” to “\xpen\”
Step 4. Copy WXP.bat from EasyBoot\resource to EasyBoot\disk1\xpen and run it there
Step 5. Have a copy in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot of w2ksect.bin and rename it to xpsetup.bin
Step 6. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” search and find Setupldr.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\xpen. In “Text to find” you insert i386, and in “Replace with” you insert XPEN (note: Uppercase=capital letters). Four text strings should be replaced if you have done right (if slipstreamed with sp2).
Step 7. Again use EasyBoot >>Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” search and find xpsetup.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot. In “Text to find” you insert I386 and in “Replace with” you insert XPEN (note: Uppercase=capital letters). One text string should be replaced if you have done right.

Don’t forget ident files. Read here: <;f=1;t=1188 >
As a bonus you get a tutorial how to solve problems with ERD 2005 and bartpe as well.

That’s it! In EasyBoot use command: run xpsetup.bin
When making ISO, test using only “Optimize”.

Regards eureka