Forum: EasyBoot Topic: how 2 include s-ata drivers 2 xp cd started by: IraqI_Freedom Posted by IraqI_Freedom on Feb. 16 2006,07:07
Sooo, guys i see there is some action around here.OK Can someone help me with this? I what 2 add serial ata drivers to a windows xp cd. these drivers must be loaded at the driver loading section of the windows boot cd. I have a small ideea but don't have the knowloge to applie it. I figure i could emulate a floppy disk with the drivers inside and press F6 button in the drivers loading section of the windows xp cd boot. Pls help me with this. Now this is a multi os installer cd 10x 2 Easy Boot but i really need to get this drivers problem solved Floppy disks r the past nowone is using them so i need another way to load s-ata drivers when booting win xp bootable cd. 10x in advance Posted by svenby on Feb. 16 2006,11:43
Lock here < BTS driverpacks >
Posted by IraqI_Freedom on Feb. 16 2006,18:36
This driver packs r really good 10x.But this does't fix my problem mate. Those drivers r for windows setup stage. I need to load s-ata drivers at drivers loading stage of the setup. in need to replace the F6(press F6 to load drivers...) method with another one. Can't i load the drivers like the setup loads all other drivers? Note: These drivers must be loaded before message: "Setup is starting Windows". Because if i don't the windows setup dosen't recognize my s-ata hdd Posted by Unattended on Feb. 17 2006,03:05
To IraqI_FreedomYou are asking a question that belongs to “Unattended” section in MSFN forum: < > I did a very simple search and found this solutions: < > Unattended |