Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: making a bootable dvd
started by: catman915

Posted by catman915 on Apr. 07 2006,13:21
I'm new to this stuff and I hope my question doesn't sound stupid. I have made an WinXp iso using easyboot and it works fine when tested as an iso on a virtual machine but it is very large as I have incorporated many apps. I thought that it would be created as a dvd image that I could burn to a dvd with Nero. When I try to burn Nero says that the image is a cd type and won't burn it to a dvd. I used the "w2ksect.bin" file in making the iso. Is this where I went wrong and if so where can I get a boot file that will create a dvd iso? I've been unable to locate  reference to my problem in the manual and Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks
Posted by xoben on Apr. 08 2006,10:18
Please open the ISO by UltraISO and press F7 to burn to a DVD disc.
Posted by catman915 on Apr. 08 2006,11:49
Thanks Xoben