Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Displaying text problems
started by: miponte

Posted by miponte on Apr. 19 2006,04:00
One of the options of my menu is to display a list of diferent models of computers so the installer can now which ghost image to dump. I am trying to use the "type" command like this: type list.txt

This txt file has some spaces but it is a pretty short list, when i choose the option on the menu, displays the list with massive letters, half transparent (i can still see the menu in the back) and no way to go back to the menu.

Can someone help me with this ?? Is there a command to display an image, so i can put the list on a bmp ? Just wondering.....

I just want to show information on screen. PLEASE HELP !! :;):

Posted by xoben on Apr. 19 2006,04:54
Create a sub-menu, which has layout, text and a return menu item.
Posted by miponte on Apr. 19 2006,06:29
Thanks xoben, i have just done that, i will try if it works later, this forum is great, amazing people like you make it worth it.