Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Petter Nordahl
started by: El Jefe

Posted by El Jefe on May 04 2006,13:38
Has anyone implemented the Petter Nordahl CD version onto a multi-boot CD/DVD?

I've tried all the possibilities for ISOLINUX CD/Floppies on this forum and nothing seems to be able to work.  I've been able to get the floppy version to work but not the CD version.  I need to have the option of manually loading the SCSI drivers which the new CD contains. Below is the link to the zip file that extracts out CD060213.iso

< Offline NT Password & Registry Editor >

Posted by xoben on May 08 2006,02:04
Please see a topic at <;f=1;t=316 > .
Posted by El Jefe on May 08 2006,11:59

I've gone through that post numerous times and it doesn't work for the Nordahl CD.

Posted by xoben on May 08 2006,21:28
I tested CD060213.iso downloaded from the above link, it works.
Posted by El Jefe on May 09 2006,11:01
Mea culpa.

I've found that it works in VM Ware and on CD.  When I put it on DVD and burned at 'max' speed the system that I was testing on didn't like it as the DVD-ROM was only a 2X.  Problem solved.
