Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiple ISO boot?
started by: Karti

Posted by Karti on Jun. 08 2006,02:52
I have 6 hard drive disk checking iso's from various manufacturers. I would like to create a simple menu so that the user/engineer can check the disk depending on its type i.e. Maxtor

I looked at the forum and found this

EasyBoot does not support booting ISO image directly, you can do it this way:
1) Open the ISO image by UltraISO
   - Press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyboot\disk1
   - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif'
2) Use 'run xxx.bif' as command to load it.

I have tried to create thye disk using the .bin images to no avail, and when I looked at the comments above, the individual iso image files would over write each others files.

Could someone please give me a few more pointers? In a perfect world I would like a menu idea similar to Hiren's disk checking menu.



Posted by Guest on Jun. 09 2006,03:50
"error loading image" error when boot dvd