Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiple ISO boot? started by: Karti Posted by Karti on Jun. 08 2006,02:52
I have 6 hard drive disk checking iso's from various manufacturers. I would like to create a simple menu so that the user/engineer can check the disk depending on its type i.e. MaxtorI looked at the forum and found this EasyBoot does not support booting ISO image directly, you can do it this way: 1) Open the ISO image by UltraISO - Press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyboot\disk1 - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif' 2) Use 'run xxx.bif' as command to load it. I have tried to create thye disk using the .bin images to no avail, and when I looked at the comments above, the individual iso image files would over write each others files. Could someone please give me a few more pointers? In a perfect world I would like a menu idea similar to Hiren's disk checking menu. Regards K ;) Posted by Guest on Jun. 09 2006,03:50
"error loading image" error when boot dvd